Goblin Town

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Rhiannon fell on someone, who had his hand on her waist. When she looked to see who she fell on, it was Thorin. She smiled gracefully. A few, or twenty goblins came rushing down the bridge. They forced them up and jerked them forward, towards their king. The king looked like a big fat pig in comparison to all the other goblins.

"Who dares come into my kingdom?" the goblin king asked, "Thieves, assassins?"

"Dwarves, and a elf your magnificence." one of the small goblin's said. Before anyone knew anything Thorin stepped out from behind Dwalin.

"Well, well Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror, King under the mountain." The Goblin bowed, "Oh I forgot you dont have a mountain, which makes you a nobody really.I know someone who will pay a pretty price for your head. Maybe you know of whom I speak. A pale Orc astride a white Warg."

"How dare you say that filth!" Rhiannon yelled at the pig of a king.

"Lady Rhiannon! How sweet of you to join us." the king snapped.

"By the way Azog the Defiler is dead!" Thorin yelled at the king.

"So you think his defiling days are done do you?" the great goblin king replied. Rhiannon winced at his words. She hated that Orc with a passion. Rhiannon could still remember the day the Orcs invaded Mirkwood when her and her siblings were visiting King Thraundial. Fire, destruction and wrath. The pale orc took her and her sister, Arwen, to their dungeons of Moria. They used them for sport and to do other nasty things to them.

"Take up arms! Fight! Fight!" Gandalf yelled as he chopped of the head of a nearby goblin.Rhiannon didnt have to be told twice about taking up her sword and killing off hundreds of Goblins with skill. Every so often she would get blood splattered on her face and clothes. As they ran down the very wobboly bridges of Goblin town Rhiannon looked around for Bilbo, but couldnt find him anywhere.Rhiannon concentrated more on the fight at hand then trying to look for Bilbo. As they got closer to the exit, the Goblin king came up in front of Gandalf. The king pushed Gandalf into Dwalin and Bofur, who got him upright again. Gandalf stabbed him in the eye and then sliced his neck.

"That will do it!" he said, before he fell. He took the whole company with him. They landed on the hard ground first.

"Well that could have been worse!" Bofur exclaimed, before the Goblin king fell on them.

"You have to be kidding." Dwalin said. Gandalf and Thorin helped everyone out. As Thorin got Rhiannon he gave her a quick kiss to the mouth. Rhiannon blushed, Thorin smiled and grabbed her hand and lead them down to the exit. As they left they stopped a little way from the mountain.

"Bofur...Bifur...fourteen. Where is Bilbo?" Gandalf asked, "Where is the hobbit?"

"I will tell you where he is. He saw his chance to run and he took it." Thorin said,angrily.

"How dare you say that about him. Gesh Thorin lighten up!"Rhiannon yelled at him. Everyone stood still, and kept quiet.Rhiannon jumped out of her skin when a hand touched her shoulder.Rhiannon turned around and saw Bilbo.

"Bilbo! Oh thank goodness!" Rhiannon said hugging him. Thorin felt a twinge of jealousy.

"All but gave up on you" Kili said, smiling at his brother, Fili.

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