Chapter forty : Mount Hakobe (Part 1)

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Natsu lazily said "thanks." Before covering his mouth again.

Lucy didn't have the heart to hit him like Erza did to knock him out so she just fiddled with his salmon hair twisting strands around her fingers until she fell asleep.

* * *

Lucy woke up when she felt the train halt to a stop. She yawned a little and saw Natsu's face light up. In a burst of energy Natsu jumped off of Lucy and screamed "I'M REVIVED!" He danced breathing spurts of fire from his mouth.

Lucy muttered "that quick."

Natsu grabbed Lucy's wrist and they marched out of the train. They left the train station and managed to find someone to take them up to the mountain in the back of their carriage. So they both climbed on and headed off to the mountain. Natsu back to dying of motion sickness.

They did reach the mountain after the man couldn't take them further. Lucy pushed open the back of the carriage doors and pushed the wind to open it. They were welcomed by a gust of wind and snow blowing their hair back strongly.

Natsu kicked the air "YES I'M REVIVED AGAIN!" More fire spitting from his mouth.

Lucy shouted to Natsu "it's exactly the same as last time!" Some snow flew into her mouth and she spat it out frantically.

Natsu hopped out and held out a hand to help Lucy down "thank you." Lucy said.

They then set off for who knows where, Lucy asked "where are we even going? There could be loads of Vulcans here."

Natsu raised his eyebrows "Lucy we can totally take them, we took one ages ago and now it'll be a piece of cake to fight one. And we are going to that cave we found Macao!"

Lucy remembered that place. Natsu fell out of their with Happy saving him, the Vulcan got Taurus' axe, the Vulcan took over Macao. They marched up the snowy hill their feet crunching in the snow. Lucy's teeth were chattering but she didn't bring Horologium because she would feel bad for Natsu even though he looked perfectly fine.

They rounded the mountain and saw an opening above, Natsu pointed "there it is!" Natsu ran towards it Lucy following shouting "if we go on another date it's somewhere warm!"

Natsu laughed and ran through into the cave Lucy catching up. She walked through and it looked exactly the same as last time. Beautiful blue ice all around and a hole by the side of the cave showing the view, like a window.

Natsu marched over and sat himself against the cool wall, he grabbed the blanket that was always on top of his bag and laid it down. Lucy stared dumbfounded, what was this a picnic? 

"So," he sat on the blanket "you should sit." 

Lucy wearily nodded and sat on the blanket across from him. It wasn't actually as cold as it was out there it was nice in the cave. "So what are we going to do?"

"We are going to talk. Because Mira gave me an earful of pointers which I didn't ask for she said somethin' like it's better to talk and get to know more even though I probably know everything about ya and you me." Natsu added "also a movie would be stupid because what would you do after?"

Lucy brought her knees up to her chest "wow you actually took Mirajane's advice."

"Well most of it, she said not to take you here but I wanted to take you here." Natsu grinned.

She smiled "and I think it was a great idea taking me here."

Natsu reached into his bag and threw Lucy a sandwich, Lucy caught it and looked at the fillings, strawberry jam her favourite "thanks."

Natsu and Lucy sat for a while eating in a nice silence just listening to the wind until Lucy asked "so, what made you want to ask me out?"

Natsu turned his head and shrugged "I think it was that scrapbook. All this stuff that has happened with me and you, also everyone is almost going out now because of that hotel resort or whatever you want to call it."

Lucy frowned and looked away from him "so you only asked me out because everyone else is going out?"

"No. Because I like you a lot Luce."

Lucy looked up and felt warmer "you do?"

Natsu nodded looking very set on his words. Lucy tilted her head and smiled "well I like you a lot too."

She inched a little closer to him and he didn't say anything. Lucy looked straight at him not sure what to do. Suddenly Natsu took her hands and started bringing her towards him, closer and closer. Their lips were inches apart and.


Lucy whipped her head around to see a Vulcan there and had smashed its way through to the cave. It looked nothing like the last time they had seen a Vulcan, but that was Macao. This one looked vicious.

Natsu yelled angrily "oi what's a Vulcan doing here!" He gathered up fire in his fists "I'll kick this ones ass too!"

The Vulcan growled and looked at Lucy. Then back to Natsu it charged forwards for Natsu. The Vulcan lunged at Natsu claws out and scratched his cheek. Natsu growled and yelled "Fire dragons Iron Fist!" He punched the Vulcan and sent it reeling backwards towards Lucy.

The Vulcan hit Lucy and Lucy began falling backwards. She expected to feel the icy wall hit her back but there was nothing. Lucy remembered.

She was standing by the hole showing the view. Lucy screamed and fell out of the window and she plummeted downwards to nothing in the battering wind. She heard Natsu shout for her but the further she fell the quieter his voice was.

Lucy scrambled to find her keys. Lucy felt around her belt but felt nothing.Lucy shouted "where are my keys?" She couldn't find them anywhere.

Lucy felt her stomach lurch, was this it? She didn't want it to end, not ever. She had a home, she had Fairy Tail, she had her spirits, she had Natsu.

A bright flaming light came towards her and...


* * *

To be continued in next weeks chapter! Aren't I just so good at cliffhangers? Well you will just have to wait until next week!

Sorry I uploaded late I had some stuff to do and I was at badminton also I had a bad case of writers block my brain just wouldn't work.

Thank you for reading! And thank you for 30,000 reads!

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Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن