exchanging body heat in the passneger seat wow how kinky?! chapter 3

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Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?!

Chapter three

Fuck nut Maygan A.K.A gremlin #2 came out of nowhere why do people keep on appearing like ninjas!

“How did you get to school?”

“Umm I walked”

“Whatever, so who’s your friend?” she said looking toward Charles with an interest towards him.


“Him the one with the long hair” pointing towards Charles

“Oh that guy? I don’t know him”

“Liar you were talking to him, Wait! I’ve seen him before he lives in my apartments!”

“No he doesn’t”

“I thought you didn’t know him u rat face liar”


“I ‘m going to go flirt with him”she starting to walk towards him

“Wait! No he has a girlfriend”

“Are you sure?” having an unsure face where to believe me or not.

“Y-y-y Yah I saw them.” hoping that she would fall for the lie.

“Oh well later loser”

Thank god she bought that, Charles was too damn sexy for a booger like her. I guess I was really starting to like him even though I’ve only known him for like three day or so.  I hurry up towards my next class which happens to be chemistry and me being the only sophmore in the class I felt left out like always. Since I had taken biology last year I was now ahead of everyone which was good but also bad. As I get to the class I scan the room for a seat but the only seat that I had found was next to effin ‘papi suave’ oh great.

“Hey mami come sit next to me” since there was no dam seats open I had to sit next to bird shit.

“So nunca me dijeste tu nombre”

“Y porque lo quires saber tanto?”

“Porque I want too”

“HAHAHA, Trinity”


“I disliked my name in Spanish so much, my mom used to call me that when I was little. After she died I stop answering to that name and preferred Trinity.

“NO! Trinity”

“Sorry in Spanish it’s…” I cut him off before he could finish

“Well too bad it’s Trinity and that’s all”

“Bueno Sorry”

For the next two hours he just kept his thought to himself and so did I. I began to day dream about Charles and his sweet tender lips. Until the bell rang and school was over, now I had to walk to my house which was thirty minutes great. Leaving the building I spotted Charles talking to Brian. I don’t know if I should walk by them or say hi.



“Where are you going to?”

“To my house”

“Hold up I’ll take you”

“Oh no it’s ok I’ll just walk”

“Why it looks like it’s going to rain, c’mon let me take you”

“Ok I guess”

{Later in the car}

“So how was your day?”

“Ok, I found out that I have Brian for chemistry”

“You have chemistry I thought you were in tenth grade”

“Yah I am but I have junior classes”

“Oh watch out here comes misses smarty pants hahaha”


He had the cutes smile ever, but I doubt that he even found a drop of interest in me. I mean look at me I have curly hair, no ass, and I have boobs but not something that makes your head spins. Guys now and day really only want one thing and if you don’t give it to them they find someone else that will, but whatever now back to reality.

“May you please leave me a block away from the apartments?”

“Ok but why?”

“Like that the gremlin doesn’t see that you’re giving me a ride”

“Hahaha gremlin”

“Yah Maygan thinks your fine”

“Really, she used to make fun of me in junior high because of how I dressed since my mom could buy me clothes I had to where thrifty clothing”

“I know she’s a huge bitch I have to live with her”

“I feel bad for you; well tell her that I’m not interested in her snobby wanabe ass”

“Well thanks again Charles”

“It’s all good cutie” he said with a grin.

“Bye” I bet you I was blushing from his innocent compliment, he probably told all the girls he sees that, but for me it made my day.

Since no one seems to be home, I just lock myself in my room which seemed more like a storage closet with a window; before I used to live here I lived with my uncle and aunt in Michigan. They had a three acre farm, there I had my own room it was only my cousin which is sixteen, his baby sister which was three, and me. Since my dad was here in California while I was there he wanted to see me more so he moved me here with him and his wife or whatever she is.

I fell asleep and woke up at seven. To hear a loud noise coming from the living room, I got out of bed to see what it was. Apparently they were throwing a party I know it was Friday but still why a party.

“Oh hey what are you doing awake?”Said Mandy my dad’s wife

“I heard noise I thought something had happen”

“Well nothing has happen just go back to your room I don’t want you embarrassing me in front of my friends”

“Whatever” I guess I’m just going to put on some clothes and leave for awhile since I wasn’t wanted here.

I was wondering outside when I thought maybe I should go to the place where I met Charles. Towards the secret pass way to fairy land just kiddingJ.while I’m sitting there meditating I hear someone come up the stairs I felt and urge to get up and hide but then I saw his head.

“Hey you’re in my spot again”

“Yah I was kicked out of my house so I thought I should come here”

“Why where you kicked out?”

“Oh because there having some sort of get together and they told me to stay out of every ones site”

“Well you’re always welcomed here”


“Dam its cold up here, aren’t you freezing? He said with such puppy eyes

“Just a little”

“Do you want to go to my apartment?”

What should I do, should I go or just stay here? What happens if I do go to his apartment and you know we… nooo…!

To be continued…

Hey guys sorry I haven’t been writing I’ve been sort of busy. But yah hopefully I can finish chapter four shorter than I did this one. Remember this is all fiction no animals or people were hurt making this chapter, well maybe just a few lizards j.k. love you guys keep reading!

Yours truly,

Amber lee productions

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