Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! chpt 7

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Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?!

Chapter seven

An AmberLee production copyrighted reserved

A few days had passed by I had received a package of money from my dad. Later on I was going to go shopping for things I needed. Charles and I were still sneaking out to meet each other at the secret rape cave as I call it. Unlike school he just gave me a ride and that’s about it. The gremlins weren’t paying any attention to me since they had some stupid pageant on Thursday so it was all good. In a while or so I’ll be meeting up with Charles, he said he had something to tell me

Later at the rape cave XD!

“Hey babe I thought you were coming”, he said with such an excitement to see me. “Yah I just had to wait until Mandy and Maygan were asleep to come.”So how was your day?” “My day was good actually I got a letter from my dad saying he should be coming at the end of the month.” I wasn’t that really thrilled for my dad’s arrival he usually says he’s coming when he really doesn’t but let’s see what happens.

“That’s Great!” I think he was more excited than I was.

“Yah I guess but usually it’s just whatever he pays attention to Mandy more than me.” I said with no hope what so ever.

“Well may be it will be different”


“Let’s go to my house”

“Okay but I need to be back by twelve or one.”

“Alright let’s go”

Later on at his house…. Cough … cough!

“I’m finally turning 17 next week!”

“Yah that’s great what are you planning to do?”

“Well I was wondering if you were doing something.”

“I’m not”

“Perfect than so do you think you’ll be able to go out with me?”

Did he just ask me out on an official date? Finally my first date with a guy that I’m really into but dam would I going to be able to go?

“Most likely yeah but I’ll have to try to contact my dad so he can tell Godzilla not to eat me.”

“Hahaha okay like that on Thursday you can meet my mom.”

“Ok that sounds good.”

“I can’t wait for next week!”

After Charles and I made out passionately on his couch for about an hour, he walked me home and that was it I had an official date with Charles next week I have to go buy something to wear. So tomorrow I’ll wake up early and go adventure the city.

Days passed by and it was now Wednesday tomorrow I was meeting Charles’ mom. I hope she likes me. I had go in contact with my dad and he said it was fine if I went out with him he said it was about time I liked guys What a damn ass hole! I hadn’t seen Charles since Saturday, I hope he was ok since he was all gang flavored or whatever. The clues where all there I had a big feeling I was going to be encountering something today but o well.

“Ring ring” yes school was over!

“Hey mama” said Brian as I went to greet him.

“Hey have you seen Charles?”

“Yah he said if I saw you to walk you home.”


“He just told me that I didn’t get the full reason why”

“Ok I guess”

“So you’re ready?”


“Let’s go then”

Later on while walking toward the apartments.

“Charles really likes you”

“I know I like him also”

“He hasn’t felt like this over a girl in a long time”

“Really? “ I thought Charles was the type of guys that would have a different

flavor of gum each week but I guess not.

“Yah ever since Jamie he hasn’t been with anyone.”

“Is Jamie his best friend that he never wants to tell me about?”

“Yah I’ll let him tell you though he doesn’t like to talk about it.”


“Damn Que hacen aqui?”

“Huh?” I look back and it was a all black Nissan parked across the street.

“Look run to your house and don’t look back and try to find Charles and tell him to go to my house alright”

“Wait what where are you going?”

“Look I promised Charles I would protect you know unless you want to be

shot I suggest you start running. “

“OK bye”

Now I was positive he’s in a gang wow that’s sort of cool except for the whole drive by stuff but cool. I ran as fast to Charles house as possible I knocked on the door to see his face cut up bad.

“What happen to you?”

“Nothing don’t worry, what’s wrong?” looking at me with shame I his eyes.

“Don’t worry your cheeks are gushing out blood and you don’t want me to

worry hello?”

“I’m okay I just got in a fight hey where’s Brian he was supposed to be with you”

I had almost forgotten why I ran over here. “He told me to come get you because he saw some black car and started freaking out he said for you to go to his house as soon as possible”

“Fuck look go back to your house and stay there don’t come out to find me OK.”

“Alright but please be careful”

“I will I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Hey guys sorry I haven’t been putting any chapters on I’ve been distracted. Lol but hope you like this chapter I know I did. Remember that this is all fiction no one was hurt in the making of ‘Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat wow how kinky?! Hope you like this and don’t forget to comment and message me for ideas!

Yours, truly AmberLee productions

Copyrighted reserved.

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