Where High School Student Michelle Wolcott was

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“I don’t remember sir.” Billy Conway responded to the teacher.  I didn’t like Billy. He was a jerk, a douchebag. He was one of the ‘cool kids’ and a jock to boot. I hated him. He thought he was cool back-talking to the teacher like that. I don’t know why Emily found him attractive either. I mean, I love Emily as a friend and all, but she is so stupid when it comes to men. Not that you could call Billy Conway a man anyway. Mr Mowbray was getting cross; I could tell he wanted to punch Billy right in his stupid face and, to tell the truth, if he had done I wouldn’t have lost any sleep over it.

            “Perhaps then mister Conway, you’ll remember better if I give you thirty minutes in detention after class to tell me why you haven’t done your homework for the third week running.” Mr Mowbray snidely said as he left Billy’s desk

            “All right sir, whatever.” Billy replied. God, he’s such a moron. I can’t believe Emily actually thought that was funny. Well done, now the teacher’s gonna yell at us. I put my phone in my pocket, it wouldn’t do for Mowbray to scold me as well.

            “And do you find Mister Conway’s behaviour funny, Miss Curruthers?” asked Mr Mowbray as he stalked over to where Emily and I were sitting. Emily went red; she always went red when anybody spoke to her, especially if they were male. I was quite enjoying watching my friend squirm under Mowbray’s inscrutable gaze when suddenly there came screaming from the corridors outside the classroom. Tyler Mason, a bit of a nerd, who was sitting nearest the door, risked a peek through the door’s window. Mowbray turned around and barked at his new target “Mason, sit back down! Honestly, what is going on with you all today?” Tyler sat down in an instant but he seemed intensely frightened, maybe somebody was getting beat up in the corridors again.

There was then a fresh wave of screams and a whole lot of commotion outside, I could see people running in the corridors. I was now frightened, I exchanged a worried glance with Emily and I my heart raced as I thought about all those horrible high school shootings you hear about every so often. Mr Mowbray slammed his ruler on his desk and stomped to the classroom door, determined to give hair dryer treatment to those outside. When he opened the door, he went white.

Somebody grabbed him from the other side of the door, immediately the whole class got up to see what was happening. Then people began to scream in terror. Hideous faces lined up at the door frame, sickly dead faces, I didn’t take what they were in at first then my mind went back to all the video games and television shows and movies I’d seen. This couldn’t be real! No way!

Mr Mowbray screamed in abject horror as one of the things bit into his throat sending arterial spray everywhere like water in a drinking fountain. More of the things filtered into the room, two of them dragged poor Tyler Mason kicking and shrieking to the floor. I couldn’t watch, the sounds were horrible enough. Frantically some kids started throwing chairs at the windows in an attempt to break them. Some insane or heroic kids were throwing chairs at the shuffling horrors.

By now the entire front two rows had been eviscerated. Tyrone Heath, the six foot tall basketball captain succeeded in smashing the window. I lost no time in following him out through the glass, I grazed my knee on the shattered glass but the adrenaline was going and I didn’t really feel it through the panic. Emily followed me out into the playground. It wasn’t any better out here.

            “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” exclaimed Emily waving her hands hysterically. They were everywhere, a mob of ghoulish walking things moaning and groping their way towards the school building.

            “What the fuck is happening?” shouted Tyrone. What the fuck indeed.

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