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The flight to Barcelona was a little over two hours. During that time, I caught up on some reading and Emilio watched me do it. I'm beginning to realize that he true to his words. Once we landed, I could tell that things would be entirely different than London - and I mean that's obvious geographically but when Emilio put a baseball hat on my head, I knew he wanted to be in full incognito mode.

I spotted a few phones out at the airport and I'm guessing I was right about one thing. Emilio wanted me to be in disguise, but as for himself the footballer's pretty easy to spot. And I'm guessing he doesn't mind. Of course he doesn't! He's a superstar both on and off the field. Emilio's used to the attention so it's easy for him to ignore the snaps, screams and shouts. 

I needed a minute to catch my breath. "You alright?"

I nod with a hum as Emilio closes the door to his penthouse behind him. A penthouse I didn't know existed until the last few minutes of our flight. Our itinerary is jam-packed, filled with activities that include sightseeing, shopping and the beach. It's my first time in Barcelona and I can tell that Emilio's excited that I'm here.

I, on the other hand, am working on my excitement. I steeled myself for meeting Emilio's family today, I ran my lines in Spanish, and practised my signature smile-and-nod. I did not prepare myself for quality time with my newly minted boyfriend. 

What happens now? We're in a foreign city - well foreign to me - with no interruptions. What do boyfriends and girlfriends do on holiday? My mind goes on that familiar rampage as I try to find the answers. Emilio's luxurious flat doesn't even phase me (okay, it phases me a bit). 

I've seen his house, this much extravagance should be expected. 

The sound of our luggage rolling along the bamboo floors fade into the background as I'm pulled to the floor-to-ceiling windows. I quickly cross the space of the living room as I head for the terrace. The wind is quite heavy from this height but that doesn't bother me as I manage to take a deep breath. I can see the sea in the distance and the water glistens beautifully underneath the summer sun. 

I place my arms on top of the glass railing then find a home for my chin to rest on top of my arms. The wind continues its weighted caress and I sigh softly. I love it here. And by here, I mean this terrace. Emilio's house has terraces but they only overlook his open garage, tennis court, and the smaller house on his property.

The last time I had a view similar to this I was still living in Nevis. "Balei?" I turn at the sound of my voice. Emilio smiles softly at me as our eyes meet. "You're good with the height?"

I shake my head as I step away from the railing. "I just didn't look down." I say sheepishly. I walk into Emilio's open arms, inhaling his scent as he engulfs me in a tight hug.

Boyfriends and girlfriends hug on vacation, right?

"I was thinking we could have a late breakfast." Emilio says softly as he rests his chin on top of my head. "You should get some rest. You had a long shift yesterday."

I nod in agreement. "Yes, to all of that." I look up at him. "What will you be doing in the meantime?"

"There's a gym downstairs." 

"Of course. High performance athlete and all of that." Emilio chuckles. "Wake me when you're done?" He nods. "Don't pull a muscle or anything, deep tissue massage wasn't on my curriculum."

Emilio's joyous laughter fades as I make my way to the bedroom. He's happy. I should be happy too. Boyfriends and girlfriends are happy on vacation.


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