Is it Her?

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Ryan's POV

I had just started classes at a new school... Somewhere near Detroit? I think that's where it is.

The school is so big compared to my old one! It's like at least triple the number of students. I debated driving my dark red Charger SRT8 to school, but something told me to take the Supra.

And well, I drove to school and parked in an empty space. That's when I felt the gaze of someone staring at me. Which is usually a normal reaction, what, with me rolling in in a very expensive car.

I turned around half expecting a guy to be drooling over my car. And that's when I saw her.

She was wearing dark grey shorts and a white crop top. Her hair is braided, and she's wearing just a tiny bit of makeup. And she has leather boots on. She's standing by a Harley.

I stare at her in awe. I never expected to see Liz at the one place she dreaded most. Her old school. But... Maybe it's not Liz. I mean the only part of her that looks like Liz is her face and the curves of her body. It could be some other girl.

She quickly looks away from me when.. I'm guessing, her friends got her attention. Then she frowned, then pointed at my car and smiled and said a few things to them and they just fake smiled walked away from her.

She looked at me one more time before walking towards the main entrance. I grab my bag and start walking up behind her.

Just before she walks through the doors, I catch up to her. With all my guts I tap on her shoulder. She slowly turns around. Her eyes went wide for a second when she saw me but she tried to hide it.

She makes eye contact and blushes faintly. "Hi, can I help you?" It is her. I'd know that angelic voice anywhere. My expression softens and I smile just a tad. This face is often seen as confusing to people who don't know me well.

In a fraction of a second, the smile turned into a huge but not too huge grin. An... acceptable sized grin? Then I pull out my schedule and ask "Can you tell me how to get to my first class?"

She read my schedule and told me that she had the same class and that I should follow her. She turns to walk away but I lightly grab her shoulder. She turns and looks at me. She seemed to get lost in my eyes. And I, hers. Then I became aware of everyone watcher her and whispering.

She must be very popular here. I break the silence by saying "What's your name?". She snapped out of her trance-like state and said "I'm Jade. And you are?"... Jade? Either this is Liz or I'm just going completely crazy.

"I'm Ryan. It's nice to meet you, Jade". To my surprise, she smiles and blushes just a bit. Then she says "Well Ryan it's nice to meet you too."

Then she says something about the teacher being cranky? And she leads me to class. We walk in, and a seating chart is upon this fancy touch screen tv thing on the wall. I remember Liz talking about those. Apparently every classroom in the district has one of these.

I find my seat... And it's next to her. I got and sit down. The bell rings ad the teacher starts droning on about who knows what. I keep glancing at 'Jade's' notebook. She looks to be writing ideas for a story.

I've seen that handwriting before... It's the same as Liz's. And just then as if she read my mind, she puts the notebook away and starts looking uneasy.

Then the teacher says "be sure to get to know your seat buddy, because you'll be sitting next to them all semester"

The girl I'm convinced is Liz, looks at me and says "Soo Ryan, where are you from?" I grin and say "Well, I used to live in Grass Lake" then she says "Grass Lake? Warriors?" From what I gather, no one around here knows about my home town. again, it has to be Liz I just know it.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you've heard of it. It's such a small town". She looks deep in thought and then says "Well, I've been there before. To visit my cousin, Lizzy"

Then I know for sure. Liz doesn't have a cousin named Jade. She doesn't have ANY cousins her age. She just gave herself away. But go against my heart, and just play along.

"Lizzy Brown? I used to be really good friends with her... Well, actually more than friends... Until she had to move away. You kind of look like her".

Then she says "Oh, I get that a lot. I remember her talking about a 'Ryan'. Said she was in love. I haven't heard from her in a little over a year"

She gave herself away again. She went "missing" a year and a half ago. I continue to play along. "So, have you always lived here?". She pauses, calculating her answer. Finally, she says "No, I lived up north until last year"

Suuuure. "I just figured, you know, you just seem so popular one would assume you've lived here longer than a little over a year."


Liz gets up and practically sprints out of the room. I give into my heart and let it make my decisions. I caught her easily. I gently grab her arm and pull her aside. "Did you really expect me to believe those lies, Liz? You've managed to change yourself so much, but you are still the worst liar I know. I need real answers, Liz. Please."

She blushed when I said her name. It was almost like she hadn't heard it in a long time. Then she starts panicking. Before I think I say "Don't worry baby I won't tell anyone" I kiss her cheek and walk away. Fuck why did I call her that? And why did I kiss her cheek?? I'm not her boyfriend... Anymore

A/N: I originally wasnt gonna go the whole "multiple POV" thing, but I ended up having a lot of fun writing this chapter and I couldn't not publish it.

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