Horrible Liar

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I was ready to ask 'why are you here Ryan?' But he doesn't know who I am. Or at least, I hope he doesn't. So instead I say "Hi, can I help you?". He looks me in the eyes the way he used to every time he...never mind. Then his expression changes into one I know very well... Somehow, I can tell that he recognizes me. Maybe it's my voice. It's like he's trying to figure me out. He then smiles- OMG am I blushing?- and pulls out his schedule. "Can you tell me how to get to my first class?"

I read his schedule. His first class is ELA with Mrs. Jones... Same class as me. "Oh, I have that class. Follow me" I start to turn around but he puts his hand on my shoulder. His hand is so warm. I look at him... His amazing green eyes, his dark brown hair, his crooked smile. "What's your name?" He asks. You know my name. NO, keep it together Jade. "I'm Jade... And you are?" For a split second, he seems confused by my name. Fuck he recognizes me. "I'm Ryan. It's nice to meet you, Jade". I smile and blush a bit. He always knew how to make me blush. "Well Ryan, it's nice to meet you too. We should get to class because Mrs. Jones does not tolerate tardiness. She's a cranky old bitch."

When I walk through the doorway of the classroom, I see a seating chart on the digital board at the front of the room. I find my spot, and then I see that his assigned seat is right next to mine. Absolutely fucking perfect.

I sit down in my seat and try to ignore him. Once the bell rings, Mrs. Jones starts talking about what we will do this semester. I zone out, lost in my thoughts. Is this a coincidence? Did he find me on purpose? Does he know who I am? I'll just have to keep lying to him. God, I hate lying to people I love. Do I still love him? No. I trust no one, love no one. Its the only way to not get hurt....again. 

As I come out of my daze, I realize that I started writing an idea for a story. I look up and realize that he keeps glancing at my paper. shit my handwriting... It's a dead giveaway. I quickly put my paper away, hoping he didn't notice. My handwriting is unique. In one word it can be neat, messy, cursive, and illegible all at once. I've always written this way. 

Mrs. Jones then says "be sure to get to know your seat buddy, because you'll be sitting next to them all semester" Awesome ​​​​​​. I look at him. God, I've missed him. "Soo Ryan, where are you from?" He grins "Well, I used to live in Grass Lake" play it cool jade. "Grass Lake? Warriors?shit. "yeah, I'm surprised you've heard of it. It's such a small town" I have an idea. Make up another lie. "Well, I've been there before. To visit my cousin Lizzy" why did I use that name? I'm fucked now. I'm such a terrible liar. I shouldn't have talked to him. I see his eyes slight up. "Lizzy Brown? I used to be really good friends with her... Well, actually more than friends... Until she had to move away. You kind of look like her"

Lie. "Oh, I get that a lot. I remember her talking about a 'Ryan'. Said she was in love. I haven't heard from her in a little over a year"  fuck. I said waaaay too much. He brushes it off and asks. "So, have you always lived here?" I have to lie again. "No, I lived up north until last year". He's gonna see right through me. He always has. I can tell by the look on his face, he doesn't buy one word of anything I've said. "I just figured, you know, you just seem so popular one would assume you've lived here longer than a little over a year." 


Finally, class is over.

I get up from my seat and try to sprint to my next class, but he catches me. He grabs my arm and pulls me to the side. "Did you really expect me to believe those lies, Liz? You've managed to change yourself so much, but you are still the worst liar I know. I need real answers, Liz. Please." My heart races when he says my name. I love the way he pronounces my name. Then I start panicking. What if he tells everyone? I start breathing heavily. Ryan notices. "Don't worry baby I won't tell anyone" He kisses my cheek and walks away. 

Instead of going to my next class, I walk right out into the parking lot. I write a note and stick it on Ryan's windshield.

~~ Come to my place: 24487 Briarwood Dr.  I'll give you answers ~~

Then I hop on my bike without caring to warm her up and I go home.

Everything Changed Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz