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When I get home, I start running around cleaning. I do that when I'm nervous or scared, and in this case, I was both. Ryan found me. He was my boyfriend for 2 years. I never even said goodbye when I decided to disappear. Oops.

How did he find me? I don't get it, I changed my name, my appearance, the way I act. Am I just that predictable?

Just as I finish cleaning, the doorbell rings. I take a deep breath and answer the door. Sure enough, its Ryan standing on my front porch. My stomach was doing those lovesick flippies.
"H-hey Ryan... Its good to see you."
He smiled a bit. "Hey Liz, its good to see you too. Can I come in?"
I stood there dazed for a second, I'm not used to hearing my real name
"Yeah you can come in, and as much as I love hearing you call me 'Liz', I go by Jade now"
I lead him to my family room. Ironic. Family room. Ha its just me here.

He sits on my couch that faces the tv. I sit in the armchair off to the side of the couch and cross my legs.

"So, obviously you have questions because you showed up." I do my signature frown-smile. Ryan used to call it my friendly bitch face.
"Well, first of all, you didn't tell anyone you were moving. You just up and disappeared. Why?"
I let out a sigh "It's a long story"
He gives a small smile "I'm sure I can keep up"
"Are you sure you don't need anything to drink first?"
"Just answer the question Li... Jade. Please"

"Okay so you remember how my parents were alcoholics, and I was home alone a lot?"
"Yeah? I don't get how that plays in"
"I'm not done yet. So anyway, they were out partying late one night and were..." I took a deep breath. "They were driving home obviously drunk... And they... They were killed in the accident"
Ryan's eyes softened and he looked like he was about to say something but I cut him off.
"Yeah I know, tragic story. I can see in your eyes that you're still questioning how this is relevant. I'm getting there. So anyway the life insurance settlement was a sum of $40 million. How I don't know"
"Holy FUCK"
"Shut up. So anyway, embarrassed that the truth about my parents might get out,  I decided to disappear. I came back to my old school under a new identity."

"Jade, I wish you would have told me"
"Ryan I was scared" my eyes started to tear up. "I was 15 and had no idea what to do. I had no family left. Legally I became an adult early. I was able to buy a house with the settlement and I've kept most of it saved up for the future. I didn't want anyone from my old life around because it would be a constant reminder of what happened."

"Li--Jade..." Ryan looked like a kicked puppy
I got up and sat next to him.
"Ryan, hun, I wasn't thinking straight at the time. And by the time I was, I had no way of contacting anyone or knowing if they would still wanna be around me"
"I still want you, Liz"

My goodness the butterflies that fluttered in me when he said my name. You don't have time for love right now. Grow up. 
"I-i I can't be with you. But Ryan I do want you to know that I still have feelings for you. They... Never went away. We can still be friends but I can't handle a relationship. Not right now."
"I'm okay with being friends as long as you don't run off again. Also, you didn't correct me for calling you Liz" He was smiling at me.
I playfully hit him "Maybe because my heart melts when you say it. Just... In public, I'm Jade. Got it?"
"Yes ma'am"
"Don't call me ma'am" I gave him a playfully mean look.
"Yes sir," he said with a shit-eating grin on his face
I busted out laughing
God I missed having real friends

"So did you have any other questions?"
"Well, yeah, but I'm not gonna ask them yet"
"Okie Dokie then" I smiled
My stomach silently growled. I looked over at Ryan.
"Hey, you hungry hun?" Why do I call him hun? Well, actually I used to call everyone hun. Yeah, why did I stop doing that? Idk.
"Yeah kinda"
"Well most of my food is from Daily Harvest"
"That all-natural fruit and veggie shit?"
"Yes, Ryan. But I guess one cheat day won't hurt. Do you... Wanna go out and get some food?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Good I'll pay. Are we taking my car?"
"Seriously Liz, you've always wanted to ride in a supra, I drive one over and you're asking if I want to take your car?"
I smile all huge.
"You brought the SUPRA!?"
"Yeah... I did. Now you seem excited"
"Yeah I am, but next time let me know so you can park it in the garage, people 'round here will steal it in a heartbeat"
"Got it"

We get in the car. It's the most amazing car I've ever been in!
Ryan looks over at me and asks "where do you wanna go?" 
"Let's go to... Famous Dave's" I set up the GPS on my phone for him because I forgot how to get there. Its been soo long since I've been there. 
"Famous Dave's it is"

Everything Changed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora