He pulls up a picture of Tasha where she looks angry and caught off guard. Not the best picture of her.

Davenport ignores Eddie and keeps swiping through the desk. All his commands are being blocked causing the screen to turn red.

"I can't access anything." He angrily swipes away all his tabs. "All the contents of my cyber desk have been wiped clean.

"And Adam, Bree, and Chase aren't answering their phones. They're not even looking at their messages," I say, voicing my concern.

I push the panic down and take deep breaths. It helps but my hands still grow hot. I don't know if it's from my bionics or from the overuse of my phone.

Davenport grabs a tablet and heads over to us, looking through it hoping to find some answers. By the look of his face, he did but not good ones.

"This is worse than I thought," he says, "Every one of my facilities worldwide has been hacked. Every database—the entire infrastructure of Davenport Industries is gone! This is not some run-of-the-mill computer hacker. This is obviously someone who hates me and wants to ruin my life."

"Well, that could be anyone," Leo jokes, probably wanting to alleviate the tension.

"Alright," Davenport says, wanting to stay on task.

"What're we gonna do?" Leo asks.

I check my phone again, no answer from anyone. They haven't even read the messages, none of them. It's way past when school lets out.

Where are they?

"I'm gonna have to call my friend at the FBI," Davenport answers Leo.

"You have a friend at the FBI? Wow, that is so cool," Leo says.

"Yeah, we're yoga buddies."

"And now it's not cool."

Davenport makes his call, and I stay glued to my phone. Checking to see if they posted on any social media site, if there's any events at school they might stay for, or anywhere nearby. I constantly switch back to my messages to see if they read it but no luck. I shoot each one another text telling them it's an emergency and to come home immediately. I send another message just to Chase.

Chase, look I know you're angry with me and that's why you're ignoring my messages and I understand that. I'm not asking you to forgive me you don't have to but I'm starting to get really worried and really scared so please just let me know you're okay. Please answer and come home. We could really use your help.

Davenport hangs up his call and I finally pull my attention away from the phone.

"So what happened? What'd he say?" I ask, frantic.

"Nothing yet. He's gonna stop by. He's on his way now. Should be here in about twenty minutes," Davenport says.

"Leo, have you gotten into contact with Adam, Bree, and Chase today?" I ask.

"No," he responds, "But I haven't even tried. I've been so busy trying to find the hacker. Why is something wrong?"

"That's the thing. I don't know. I could be overreacting but after everything that's happened today..."

"I'll shoot them a text. You're right. They should be home by now."

"Thank you, Leo."

As we wait for Davenport's friend to arrive, Leo and I are taking to staring at our phones, eagerly waiting for a reply that's not coming. As the minutes tick by, even Leo is starting to become as worried as me.

The Bionic Teens, Leo, and Me Where stories live. Discover now