No Going Back

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A/N : I'm back I'm glad I finally found the will to write again. Even if no one reads this I'm glad I wrote it so here's to me screaming into the void

Chapter 19

I wake up from my nap feeling a little better. I can mostly breathe through one nostril now which is good news. Grabbing a thermometer, I  take my temperature and find my fever broke. It's nearing the time Adam, Bree, and Chase will be home. Bree promised to bring home my school work so I decide to grab some water knowing more fluids will help. First I blow my nose one last time, finally completely freeing my nostril before throwing on a sweatshirt to head downstairs.

I run into Leo on the stairs where I give him a glare. He's in his pajamas just like I am, tissues in hand.

"Okay, enough already, I said I was sorry," he says.

I sniff in response showing him how clogged my nose remains, as we make it downstairs where Davenport is residing.

"What're you two doing here?" he asks.

"We live here," Leo responds, just as confused as I am. "We're the ones you didn't cobble together in a basement."

"I mean, why aren't you at school?" Davenport asks, exasperated.

"Got a little head cold," Leo replies, "I sneezed in class and I don't what came out but I walked out two pounds lighter."

"Yeah, and guess who he gave it to," I say, glaring at Leo one more time. Until this cold goes away, I won't forgive Leo for coughing without covering his mouth.

Before Leo can apologize one last time, Tasha walks in frantic and nervous, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Donald, I think there's something wrong with your credit card. When I went to buy groceries it was declined," she says.

"Declined?" Davenport exclaims, "How could that be?" He opens his laptop to check his bank records.

Eddie, having eyes and ears around the entire house, uses this opportunity to mock Tasha; something he never passes up an opportunity to do.

"Let me spell it out for you: she spent all your money," he says, popping up on the screen embedded on the wall.

"I did not spend all his money," Tasha retorts.

"Oh? Saving a little for a facelift?" he asks.

"You—I—" Tasha stutters out before being cut off.

"This card is completely maxed out with purchases I did not make. A plane ticket, a speedboat, two thousand dollars worth of hair dye and contact lenses." We all look at him remembering the time he wanted to change his look. "This time it was not me."

We decide to head to the lab to use the superior technology to see if we can find the hacker who stole all of Davenport's money. But by we I mean Davenport and Leo, they're the ones with all the tech know how to find the culprit. I'm mainly there to pace, worry, and offer moral support.

Although I do text Chase urging him to hurry home. I don't tell him what's going on, just to come home as soon as possible.

He doesn't read it.

"Leo, any luck tracing those hackers?" Davenport asks, looking through his cyber desk, coming up with little to no answer.

"No," Leo replies still seated at the normal computer, "every I.P address you gave me leads to a dead end. These people really cover their tracks."

Eddie, who should be helping, him being a security system and all, only arrived to crack wise, "I don't have any fingerprints or evidence but I drew up a police sketch of what I think the suspect looks like."

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