Chapter 19

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In the loft
Amy and Ty sitting on the bed, Amy looks upset
"Are you ok?" Ty asked
"No, I am not ok I have my dad back, but he is not the person he used to be he has changed" Amy said
"No Matter what happens I will always have your back" Ty said.

In The Ranch House
Tim eating breakfast
"I see nothing is ever going to change you keep mooching off of me" Jack said
"What I just got out of prison a man deserves a decent meal" Tim said
"Be nicer to Amy she needs you Tim step up to the plate" Jack said
"She made her choice she is with Ty the man who put me in jail" Tim said
"You had him kidnapped he had every reason to do what he did, so you need to stop blaming Amy" Jack said
"No I won't, She is part of the reason I am in this mess she fell in love with Ty" Tim said
I am done trying to convince you to be a good person" Jack said
Ty and Amy walk in and Tim walks out the front door, Ty follows him.

On The porch
"Look I get you are angry with me but don't punish Amy she had nothing to do with this" Ty said
"You both are at fault and I want nothing to do with you or Amy as far as I am concern you both portrayed me" Tim said
"Look Tim I am going to say this once leave Amy out of whatever problem you have with me. Amy did nothing wrong" Ty said angrily
"She chose you over me there for she is just as bad as you" Tim said
"I tried to reason with you but I guess that is impossible" Ty said
Ty walked back inside
Amy walks over from the table
"Any luck?" Amy asked
"No, he is just as mad at you as he is at me" Ty said
"It's ok we will get through this together" Amy said
Ty puts his arm around Amy
"it's going to be ok" TY said
"Your dad will come around" Jack said
"No matter what happens I will never leave you" Ty said.

In the loft
Amy lying in bed looking upset
"if my dad had never messed with you, we wouldn't be in this mess" Amy said
Ty comes and lays next to her and takes her hand
"Everything will come out right I promise ok just give your dad sometime to come around" Ty said
Ty kissed Amy on the forehead
"I love you" Ty whispered

To Be Continued...
Written by Ashley

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