Chapter 13

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Tim's Room
Lou walks into her dad's room to see how he is.
"Hey dad how are you feeling?" Asked Lou a little distort.
"I'm fine. What's wrong honey?" Tim asked worried.
"Ty got shot. He was in surgery for the last four hours." Said Lou sadly.
"Is he okay?" Asked Tim.
"Like you care." Said Lou annoyed.
"Just tell me." Said Tim annoyed
"He seems okay, he just woke up." Said Lou.
"Ohh Okay...that's good." Said Tim, upset.
"Really? You're not acting like it."  Said Lou annoyed.
"Would you just let me alone Lou." Said Tim annoyed.
Lou walks outside the hospital door and Tim picks up his phone and calls someone.
"What the hell happened!? You told me you killed him! He's still breathing!" Said Tim, angry.
Lou walks over to Jack.
"Grandpa we need to talk." Said Lou angry.
"What is it Lou?" Jack asked, confused.
"I know who shot Ty." Said Lou.
"What are you talking about?" Asked Jack.
"Dad he set up getting Ty shot." Said Lou upset.
"I'm calling Jim." Said Jack and pulls his phone out.

In Ty's Room in the Hospital
Amy and Lily are both sitting beside Ty's bed in the hospital. Ty flinches and whimpers. He starts to hyperventilate. Amy jumps up and goes over to Ty to comfort him.
"Hey, hey you're okay, you're safe." Said Amy brushing his hair back and comforting him.
When Jack walks into Ty's room. He looks at Ty and sighs.
"Amy, can I speak with you?" Asked Jack.
Amy stands up and walks over to him.
"What's wrong grandpa?" Amy asked worriedly.
"Your dad has been arrested for attempted muder." Said Jack
"What?! What are you talking about?" Asked Amy scared and confused
"Your dad...he's the one who had Ty shot." Said Jack
Amy falls into Jack's arms.
"Grandpa How could he do this?!" Said Amy upset and breaking into tears.
"I don't know..." Said Jack at a loss for words about it.
"Wait Tim really did this to him? Why?!" Lily asked mad standing up.
"I don't know." Said Jack sighing.
Lily storms out of Ty's room angry.
"Poor Lily." Said Amy sadly.
Ty starts tossing around.
"Ohhh Ty." Said Amy walking over to him in tears. She lays down on the bed with him.
"Shhhh, you're okay Ty." Said Amy comforting him.

At The Police Station
Tim is sitting at the table with handcuffs on. Police officers Jim walks in.
"Alright Tim, why did you do this to Ty?" Asked Jim.
"Because I wanted Ty gone!" Said Tim, angry.
"That's the only reason you willing to go to jail forrrrr 50 years. I don't buy that." Said Jim.
"I don't like him. I have to protect my daughter." Said Tim
"Protect your daughter?! He treats your daughter well and loves her! I don't know what you could possibly think you're protecting her from! So what are you hiding!?" Said Jim mad.
"Nothing!" Said Tim getting angry.
"Tim Tell me the truth, it could help you." Said Jim
"I told you I was only protecting my daughter!" Yelled Tim angry.
"That can't be the only reason you did this!" Said Jim pissed.
"What money?" Asked Jim knowing he had got something.
"MY MONEY! MY $500,000 IT WAS MINE!!!" Yelled Tim pissed
"You weren't part of the people who took Ty." Said Jim confused.
Tim scoffs and sits back realizing he sold himself out.
"You were the one who ran it. Looks like you just added a 15 years sentence." Said Jim and he walks out. Tim rubs his hands over his face and sighs realizing he had just ruined everything for himself.

In Ty's Room in the Hospital
Ty is laying in the bed and Amy is beside him. He tosses and turns before he jumps awake. He slows his breath and Amy puts her arm around him.
"It's okay." Said Amy comforting him.
Ty is covered and sweat and clearly just had an awful nightmare. Jack, Jim, Lily and Wade all walk into Tys room.
"I have some information." Said Jim unsure how to say this.
"Is everything okay?" Amy asked  worriedly.
Jim sighs "Well Tim was the one who got Ty shot at. He also was the reason Ty was kidnapped both times." Said Jim.
"But I never saw him there...He-he doesn't have the tattoo." Said Ty confused.
"I know but he was the runner of the CTB group. I guess he wanted his money and felt that you were taking his family from him." Said Jim
"So having me killed was his solution!" Said Ty pissed.
"I don't know...I guess. If you press charges he will be going to jail for 65 years between all the charges." Said Jim.
Ty takes a deep breath. He's very angry and can't believe Tim did this to him but he also doesn't want to hurt Amy.
"Can I think about it..." Said Ty with a sigh
"Of course. Let me know if you need anything." Said Jim and he walks out.

To be continued....
Written by Lizzy Dock

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