Chapter two

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A week Later

In the ranch house
Everyone is sitting down at the table when Amy walks in and sits down.
"Still no Ty!? What is he doing Amy!?" Asked Tim.
"Working..." Said Amy with a sigh.
"He's been working an awful lot lately." Said Jack.
"Yeah I don't know what's gotten into him lately." Said Amy worried.
"I'm sure everything is fine. He's just busy at the clinic." Said Jack trying to comfort Amy.

At the clinic
Ty is walking out and rubbed the back of his neck worriedly.
"I'm nowhere close to enough." Said Ty under his breath
He re-counted the money hoping he counted it wrong and it'd be enough when someone grabs him from behind and shocks him. Ty passes out.

In the undisclosed location
Ty chained is hanging from the ceiling. When a guy in a leather jacket walks in front of Ty and shocks him.
"Ahhh!" Yelled Ty in pain.
"Well look who's awake." Said Lucas deviously.
Lucas grabs Ty's face.
"Where is the money!" Yelled Lucas angry.
"I-I wasn't the one who owned the money-" started Ty
When he was cut off by Lucas punched him in the gut.
"Well he's dead so that means you own me the money or you never leave here." Yelled the guy angry.
"How do you want me to get it, if I'm here?" Asked Ty in pain and struggling to breath.

Heartland kitchen
Amy is sitting at the table with Lou.
"Why isn't he home it's 10:00 O'clock?" Said Amy really worried
"I'm sure he's okay." Said Lou as she holds Amy's hand to comfort her.
Amy phone dings.
"It's a text from Ty!" Said Amy relieved
She opens the text and a video starts playing.

The video
Ty is chained and hanging from the ceiling when Lucas walks in front of the camera.
"His dad never finished his payment and neither did he. If I don't have the rest of my money in the next two weeks you're never going to see him again." Stated Lucas angry.
Lucas steps to the side and you two guys punching Ty in the gut with blood running out of Ty's mouth.
The video ends.....

Amy puts her hand over her mouth and Jack, Lou are standing behind her watching the video.
"Omg." Said Amy in fear, at loss for words
Amy turns around and hugs Jack.
"Grandpa what are we going to do?" Asked Amy Scared.
"Were going to call Jim." Said Lou picking up the phone and dialing.

To be continued (Lizzy)

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