Chapter 8

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The Ranch House
Lou is Angry and storms over to his dad grabbing his phone.
"You can't choose who Amy loves and Ty treats her so good! I mean I wish I had a husband like him! Why would you do this!?" Said Lou pissed.
"Because he took my daughter away from me! I couldn't be a father to her at all between Jack and him. Amy always goes to them!" Said Tim getting angry.
"You chose to LEAVE and not come back DAD!" Yelled Lou
"Your grandpa kicked me out! I didn't choose to leave!" Yelled Tim.
"Either way that wasn't Ty's fault! Just like it's not Ty's fault Amy goes to him for support and not you! He's always been there for her! Trying to get Ty killed! Dad that's...Did you even think about Amy?! She loves him!" Said Lou pissed.
Neither Tim or Lou had realized that Amy had walked in while they were fighting.
" could you?!" Said Amy pissed and in tears.
Tim stands up but Amy runs back out the door. Tim runs after Amy.
"Amy wait!" Yelled Tim.
"Stay the hell away from me!" Yelled Amy.
"I am your dad!" Yelled Tim
"I don't care! He's my husband! You left once, just do it again!" Yelled Amy.
Jack sees them fight and walks over.
"Now what is going on?!" Asked Jack
"Dad set up getting Ty kidnapped." Said Amy in tears.
"What? Is this true?" Asked Jack shocked and confused.
"I saw it on his phone." Said Lou.
Jack punches Tim to the ground and before Tim can even move Jack already has a gun on him.
"Don't you even think about it. Lou call Jim." Said Jack pissed.

Ty's Hospital Room
Amy walks into Ty's room and he is asleep. Lily is sitting beside Ty holding his hand.
"Hey..." Said Amy really sad.
Lily stands up and walks over to Amy.
"Honey wants wrong?" Lily asked worriedly.
"I found out why Ty was taken." Said Amy holding back tears.
"That's a good thing." Said Lily confused.
"No it's was my dad he set it up." Amy said sad.
"What!?" Said Lily shocked
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know...He's in jail." Amy said sad.
Lily pulls Amy into a hug.
"No, no it's okay. It wasn't you." Said Lily.
Ty stats to toss and turn.
"No, No....why are you doing this?" Mumbled Ty in his sleep.
Amy looks over at him really sad.
"Ohhh, ty..." Said Amy sadly
She walks over to him and sits with him.
"I'm going to let you two be." Said Lily and she walks out.
She lays her head on Ty's shoulder.
"Ty I'm so so sorry my dad did this to you." Said Amy in tears.
Ty starts to wake up and sees Amy is crying.
"Amy, what's wrong?"  Ty Asked  worried.
Amy didn't know how to tell Ty what her dad had done so she just sat there silent.
"Amy what is it?" Asked Ty really worried.
"It's my dad...He's the one who got you kidnapped and told them your dad was alive." Said Amy sadly
Ty was in complete shock and didn't say anything for a couple minutes.
"Why?! Why would he do that to me?..." Asked Ty hurt and pissed
"He said you took me away from him." Said Amy sadly,
"Took you away from him!? He left!" Said Ty hurt and pissed.
"I know, I know...I'm so sorry Ty." Said Amy guilty.
"Don't apologize it wasn't you." Said Ty as he pulls Amy into a hug.

Police Station
Tim is sitting at the table handcuffed when Jack walks in.
"Oh great it's you." Said Tim annoyed.
"Yeah it's me. I think you could have a lot worse. I mean imagine if I was a father-in Like you. You wouldn't be sitting there right now." Said Jack
"I know you always liked Ty. I couldn't ever fuirger out why? I mean he's a criminal with one hell of a dark past, why do you even trust him around your granddaughter or your great-granddaughters?" Asked Tim
"I guess I should have been asking myself that question about you. From where I'm sitting You're the criminal with the messed up past not him. He's the one telling Amy it's okay, He's not upset at her for what you did. He's the one who Georgie wanted to teach her how to drive, not you. He's the one Katie wants to read stories to her and Lou bugs to come help me with barn chores. He may have had a bad start but he fixed that. You, You just blame everyone else for what you did!" Said Jack pissed.
"Exactly! HE TOOK MY FAMILY!" Yelled Tim
"No he didn't. You did that to yourself. By not being there and how you treated everyone. Amy, she's real hurt with what you did. So is Georgie and Lou. You'll be really lucky if your family ever talks to you again. As for me. Well as far as I'm concerned you can rot!" Said Jack pissed
He gets up and starts to walk out.
"Jack!" Yelled Tim
Jack just slams the door on him.

The Ranch House
Lou and Georgie are sitting at the table when Amy walks in. Lou walks over and hugs Amy.
"How Ty?" Asked Georgie nervously.
"He's okay..." Said Amy, unsure.
"How did he take it when you told him it was dad?" Asked Lou.
"He was angry and confused. He said that he always knew dad hated him but why would he do this?" Said Amy sadly
"What did he say after that?" Asked Georgie
When Jack walks in behind them.
"That it wasn't my fault and it's okay." Said Amy
"I don't understand why dad would have done this." Said Lou upset and confused.
"Well he said it's because Ty took his family." Said Jack walking in.
"That is ridiculous!" Said Lou and Amy mad
"Trust me I know, it's your dad he usually is." Said Jack
"He's not my dad. He was in my life for eight years and he did this! I don't want him in my life anymore." Said Amy, angry.
She walks out of the house.

Ty's Hospital Room
Ty is sleeping, it looks like he is having another nightmare. when Brad walks into his room. He walks over to him and sighs.
"I didn't want to do this." Whispered Brad.
Ty wakes up suddenly and jumps up.
"Dad What are you doing here?" Asked Ty scared
"Who told them I was alive!?" Asked Brad pissed
"Tim." Said Ty
"Amy's dad?" Questioned dad
"Yes." Said Ty
When Amy walks in the room.
"Why in the hell would he do that!?"  Brad asked pissed.
"I don't know." Said Ty.
"I do." Said Amy nervous.
Brad turns around and looks at Amy

To be continued....
Written by Lizzy Dock

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