The Bravest Man I Ever Knew

Start from the beginning

"Very well," said Mcgonagall, polishing her glasses. "As stated in your letter, you wished to consult the portraits of Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape, am I correct?"

"Yes." Hermione replied.
"If that's still possible." Draco continued.

"That's a fine idea," said Neville cheerfully. "It's just up to them to them whether they want to help you guys bring the children back or not."

Mcgonagall simply stood from her desk and turned towards the empty canvas and called. "Severus."

Hermione's heart pounded faster as Mcgonagall delivered these words, and as a few anxious moments later, the portrait was now filled with a familiar man, whose nose was hooked and his hair was greasy.

It was none other than their former Potions Master: Severus Snape.

"Professor." said Hermione curtly, nodding her head as a sign of hello to her former teacher.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Minister of Magic herself," Snape snarled from his own portrait. "And to what surprise do I owe you Minister?"

Stay calm Hermione, stay clam it's just Professor Snape, he won't bite, he won't bite, she told herself.

Hermione took a deep breath and said. "Professor Snape, we were just astounded if you could help us. Please?"

"We?" Snape asked, raising a brow.

Hermione pulled Draco forward, much to the Potion Master's amusement.
"Ah, Mr. Malfoy," he said. "My favorite student. I absolutely would not have anticipated you to be with such company."

"Well I'm sorry to tell you this Professor, but times have changed." Draco told his former teacher and head of house. "Hermione and I really need your help."

The professor stared at Hermione disparangingly as she began to shift uneasily.

Okay Hermione, she told herself, tell him now that we want to speak to Dumbledore

"That's why we came here Professor," Hermione said kindly. "Would you mind to ask Professor Dumbledore to speak to us as well? Please?"

Snape rolled his eyes and sighed but called out the late Albus Dumbledore's portrait anyway. The elderly Headmaster looked the same since everyone last saw him alive and well, the long silver beard and hair was still the same along with the same twinkling blue eyes.

"Oh, Mrs. Granger - Weasley!" Dumbledore mused over Hermione, and was smiling at her. "What a pleasant surprise that you're here whereas the circumstances are the most cataclysmic."

Hermione smiled at Dumbledore; the latter's eyes caught the sight of Draco, who was looking at him guiltily.

"Mr. Malfoy, you're here as well I see, I have to ask has Mr. Potter accompanied you two also?"

"Er no Professor, Hermione and I just thought that it would be best for just the two of us to come here, since we'll be the ones fixing the time turner." Draco said quietly, he was contraining himself trying to make eye contact with the elderly wizard; he still felt responsible for his death even if he failed his mission to kill him.

"A wise desicion Mr. Malfoy."

"Care to be involved?" Snape questioned the two. "How is it that the children were able to transport back to the past?"

Hermione and Draco explained in great detail to their late professors on how the kids were able to travel to the past, what year and where they were saying and if they had made any progress on trying to bring all of them back home and if they had already been able to communicate with them.

Dumbledore seemed to be amused by the story, his expression was looking like a five-year-old boy who was being told bedtime stories and Snape seemed shocked as he realized that Albus was the reason they were back in the past, most especially because he actually liked the boy.

"Then we ought to assist you then?" Snape asked.

"Yes Professor," Draco replied. "To be honest, you're still the best Potions Master I have ever met and we might need your help in brewing this potion. It's very complicated."

"And we still need more time to obliviate our past selves and we've found a spell that'll fix the time turner and we can travel there indefinitely." said Hermione.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Granger-Weasley, you must understand that we only have restricted wisdom and we are not actual representations of our former selves and are just portraits." reminded Dumbledore.

"We understand headmaster, but will you help?" Draco asked him desperately.

"Of course Mr. Malfoy," said Dumbledore smiling, his eyes twinkiling with delight behind his half moon spectacles and then turned to Snape. "How about you Severus? What do you say?"

"I like Albus and Scorpious even though he was the reason they're in the past so of course I will." Snape said delicately.

Hemione couldn't help but let out a smile at this. Since when does Professor Snape acted like this? It was truly a good sight to lay her eyes on.

"Thank you so much!" Hermione spouted.

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