The Plan

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Albus and Scorpius spent the rest of the morning in their room dicussing a plan to save Sirius, Remus, Tonks and Fred.

"So after lunch," said Albus. "We'll tell Sirius."

"But do you think he'll agree?" Scorpius asked, worried.

"C'mon, we already told him that he's gonna die when we got here. So, we're going to tell him to not go in the Department of Mysteries in June to prevent his death."

Scorpius nodded his head in agreement.

There was a light knocking on their door.

"Come in!" Albus hollered, hiding the pieces of parchments underneath their pillows and blankets.

Lily opened the door, and her face turned suspicious.

"Oh hi Lily!" said Scorpius.

Albus smirked. "What are you doing here? We haven't seen you all morning."

"Well that's because you two have been stuck in here all morning." Lily said coolly, glaring at the corners of the parchments under Albus's pillow.

She then gave the two boys a reproachful scowl, scanning their eyes.

"What have you two been up to all day?" she asked suspiciously.

"Oh...nothing," Albus replied hastily, trying not to show a smile on his face. "I'm not trying to be mean Lils, but did you want something?"

Lily raised a brow.

"As a matter of fact, I did," she sniffed. "Grandma told me to fetch you boys downstairs to eat lunch with everyone."

"Oh, we'll come down in a minute." said Scorpius.

Lily gave one last glare at the two boys and shut the door, as she retreated to the kitchen.

"That was close." Albus sighed in relief, removing the parchments from his pillow and blanket.

"Why can't we just tell them the plan?" Scorpius asked.

"You know we can't do that. You know what would Lily say about it." said Albus.


"Oh, Albus don't you dare! You know it could be dangerous and Mum and Dad will kill you if they found out." Albus said, doing a good impression of his sister's voice.

The two boys high-fived at this and went down to the kitchen. Little did they know that they had left their pieces of parchments visible on the bed and the door was ajar.

"Oi! Where have you been?!" James screeched as Albus and Scorpius entered the kitchen. Rose's face suddenly turned red as she saw Scorpius.

"We've been waiting for you for ages." said Teddy.
"Sorry, we were —" said Scorpius innocently.

"Well it's none of your business James." Albus interrupted rudely.

"It better be not what we were talking about earlier."

"Like I said, it's none of your business. And don't worry it's not."

"What is it you two were talking about?" Rose asked.

"Nothing." the two brothers said quickly.

Present (2021)

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Gin! Someone's at the door!" said Harry absent-mindedly, his eyes were fixed on the latest news of the Daily Prophet.

"In a minute!" said Ginny from the kitchen.

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