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Rose flung her arms around Scorpius and kissed him passionately on the lips; much to the surprise of everyone in the kitchen.

"Rose! You're so stupid!" James roared.

"Why'd you do that?" Scorpius asked her.

"Why didn't you go?" Albus asked.

"I just wanted to spend more time with you, Scorp!" answered Rose. "I didn't want to go home without you."

The two embraced tightly, but pulled apart as the everyone in the kitchen all had blank expressions and didn't even say a word:

"Well, if you must." Albus chuckled.

Scorpius and Rose  traded smiles and proceeded upstairs, holding hands.

"I think I might vomit." Sirius groaned.

"I think it's cute! I ship it!" James giggled.
Lily rolled her eyes.

"Wicked!" Harry said under his breath.

"Can you believe it? My future daughter and our school rival's future son fancy each other?!" Ron shrieked, and thumped his fist on the table.

"Well, destiny has its own plans." said Ginny.

"Really does!" said Fred and George and then mimed Rose and Scorpius snogging and soon to tie the knot; everyone roared with laughter again.

"That's enough you two," Mrs. Weasley scolded them, pinching them both on the ears. "They're just children and they're to young to do those things."

Fred and George couldn't help but smirk at this.

Present (2021)

Everyone landed safely at the Potters' flat.

"Ah, great to be back home!" said Louis, stretching his arms.

"Is everyone here?" asked Hermione. "Hugo?"

"Present!" said Hugo.










"Right here!"

"Good, Rose?"

There was no response from Rose.

"She stayed behind." said Hermione firmly.

"She stayed behind! Harry exclaimed.

"Do you reckon she did it on purpose, Draco?" Ron asked. "Oh no, not him as well! I'm sure he was right here a minute ago!"

"What do you mean not him as well?" Ginny asked, her eyes twinkling with confusion.

"He's not here!" Ron blurted out.

Everybody called for Draco's name, but there was no response too. "Reckon he did it on purpose?" asked Freddie, crossing his arms.

"I don't think he'd do that on purpose, Freddie." said Lily.

"And he's not that stupid." said Hugo.

"Hugo, don't be mean." Ron told his son, who immediately apologized.

"Wait, I'll call James," said Harry. "James!"

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