All My Fault

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Past (1995)

Sirius was confined to his room after the nasty fall he received from Albus's spell, they couldn't take him to St. Mungo's as they were afraid that he might be sent back to Azkaban by the authorities.

Madam Pomfrey had to apparate from Hogwarts to Grimmauld Place to check Sirius's condition. Everybody gathered around the unconscious wizard's bed, except for Albus, who was listening outside with a face of guilt.

"Is he alright?" Harry asked, after the matron finished examining Sirius. "Madam Pomfrey, how's my godfather?"

"Well that was a nasty fall he got there, but he's alright. He'll have to take this Revive Potion to wake him up, but for now, he needs some rest. Why was it he became unconscious?" replied Madam Pomfrey.

The others exchanged looks, and James blurted out. "It was my stupid brother, Madam Pomfrey. He was supposed to stun me but it hit Sirius instead, and he tumbled down the stairs after that."

Ginny scowled at him." James, never call your brother stupid."

"No offense Mum but Albus did it," said Lily. "James and Albus were duelling because we realized that he'd been planning to save Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and even Uncle Fred and change the future."

Scorpius held Rose tightly, he already apologized for taking part in the plan but she already forgave him.

Meanwhile, Albus was listening to his siblings' explanations and went upstairs to his room and locked the door.

"Albus this, Albus that, why is it always me?!?" Albus asked himself, kicking the drawer with his foot.

He began to sob hysterically, regretting to accidentally casting the spell on Sirius. His father's godfather. An innocent man. A man who was framed for a crime he didn't do. A man who died protecting Harry. A man who deserved better.

First, he stole the time turner from Hermione's office the previous year, then accidentally sent him, Scorpius, his siblings, and his cousins to past. Here he met the people he heared about in Harry's stories, the people who died protecting him. He knew that Teddy was ecstatic to see his parents, whom he also lost to the war; he knew had to do something.

Something that could make Teddy happy, Albus tried to give Remus and Tonks a chance to raise Teddy in a happy life, and get to see him marrying Victoire and having their own grandchildren. He tried to prevent George losing Fred, he still could've been happy if his twin survived.

You're being selfish...

Albus did it...

It was my stupid brother...

Those words rang through Albus as he continued to cry. He felt as though if he was being hit by the Cruciatus Curse several times. He felt like he was being burnt alive as he recalled these words.

"Perfect James Sirius Potter the Gryffindor, and I'm just Albus Severus Potter the evil Slytherin," Albus sniffed. "I'm totally worthless."

Although he knew that Sirius was alright, Albus thought that what if, he wouldn't make it. What if everybody would ignore him when he got home? What if people thought that he was a murderer.

No, they won't, you heard Madam Pomfrey, Sirius will make full-recovery, you're not a bad person Al, a still and small voice echoed to him. He suddenly remembered the words Harry always told him whenever he felt unsure about himself, and in turn was told by Sirius to Harry.

We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

You can do this...

Albus Don't you Dare!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora