Some Help

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Present (2021)

"Really? How'd you manage to get it so quickly?" Ginny asked.

"Well, that's one of the advantages of being Minister for Magic." Hermione chuckled.

"Alright! Guys, we have some kids to fetch!" Ron smirked, reaching for his jacket and the time turner.

"Whoa, whoa! Not so fast, Ronald." said Hermione, pulling the time turner away.

"What?! But Mione, our kids need saving!" said Ron.

"Yes, I know we have to get them back. But first things first, we still have procedures to follow." Hermione scolded him.

Ron sat down, his arms crossed against his chest, his face looking like a grumpy little child.

"What procedures?" Angelina asked.

Hermione scratched her bushy hair and said, with air as though if she were reciting a book in class, "Well, obviously time turners aren't supposed to go back in time years."

"I don't understand." said George.

"You see, George, last year, we used the time turner to go back in 1981. Well, it worked fine and that's fourteen more years to the past, and then we need to go this time." Ron explained.

"Exactly! Thanks Ron," Hermione told Ron, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "We went too far back in time and we really damaged the time turner."

"That was nothing, Mione." Ron chuckled.

Ginny began to cry hysterically.

"So, you mean that, we won't be able to bring the kids back?" Ginny sobbed, as Harry hugged her tightly and kissed her hair.

"Oh, I didn't mean to upset you Ginny." said Hermione. "What I meant was that the time turner was damaged not destroyed."

"But we can still use it?" Bill asked, his arm still around Fleur.

"Yes, I just need a few days to work on it." Hermione replied.

"A few days?" Harry exclaimed. "Hermione, so much could go wrong if the kids stay longer."

"I know, Harry. But we'll be needing somebody's help." Hermione answered, then suddenly ran up stairs.

After a few minutes later, Hermione  finally emerged downstairs with a white envelope in her hand.

"Hermione, who's that letter for?" Harry asked. But she ignored him.

"Ron, can I borrow Pigwidgeon?" Hermione asked.

"Oh, er, yes. Of course." Ron answered, bringing Pigwidgeon in.

Hermione placed the letter on his beak; Ron suddenly the words on it, which was: Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy? Why him?" Ron whined.

"Yes, Hermione, why him?" said Harry, looking confused along with the other Weasleys.

"Do you want our kids to be stuck in the past forever?" Hermione asked.

"Bloody hell no!"

Hermione placed a hand on Ron's shoulder and said.

"Please, Ronald. We need Malfoy too! His kid also needs us, and we need him."

Ron nodded and sat back on the couch.

"Go!" Hermione whispered to Pigwidgeon, who briskly flew away to Malfoy Manor, with the letter on his beak.

Malfoy Manor

"Draco! Draco! Someone sent you mail!" Narcissa hollered from the drawing room.

"Coming mother!"

Draco rushed to the drawing room, finding his mother with a letter clutched in her hand.

"Does this has something to do with bringing Scorpius back?" Narcissa asked, raising one of her sharp brows.

"I'm not sure, mother," Draco replied, reaching for the letter. "Probably."

Narcissa held the letter tight, away from Draco's hands.

"I just hope it is. I don't want your son to consort with those filthy blood traitors while they're away." Narcissa said coldly.

"Mother, they're his friends! And please, respect it." Draco snapped, grabbing the letter from his mother's hand and went to his bedroom.

"What's that in your hand, darling?" Astoria asked, sitting on her vanity table.

"A letter. I just don't know who's it from," said Draco opening the letter. "Oh, it's from the Minister herself." the letter read:

I'm pleased to inform you and your wife that I have successfully retrieved a time turner. But there are certain procedures that we must follow; because if we don't, we might never be able to bring the children back. I need your help. Meet me in my office tomorrow at 10:00 am sharp. Please, I need your help.

Sincerly yours,
Hermione Granger - Weasley
Minister for Magic

"What did she say, darling?" Astoria asked, squeezing Draco's hand.

"Well, the time turner has been retrieved —" Draco replied.

"Thanks heavens!" Astoria sighed in relief.

"But we still have to follow some procedures. If we don't, we can't bring the kids home. I'll be going to meet with Weasley tomorrow."

Astoria squeezed Draco's hand even further.

"Ouch! Darling, let go." Draco chuckled.

"I just don't want anything bad to happen." Astoria croaked, placing her head on her husband's shoulder and began to sob.

"That's why Weasley needs our help." Draco comforted her, and kissed her forehead passionately.

Draco quickly grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote back.
He placed it on Pigwidgeon's beak, who swiftly flew away with the letter.

The Potters' flat

"What's taking so long?" Hermione said impatiently.

"Perhaps he didn't agree." said Ron, Harry snickered.

"Oi! You two, stop being so rude." Hermione scolded them, pinching them each on the cheek.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Pigwidgeon was tapping on the window.

"There he is!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Good Pig," Ron told the owl.

The letter was addressed to Minster Weasley, it read:

I understand. It would be a great pleasure to help you; I have no complains or whatsoever. We can do this together as a team, I hope we could bring them all back.

Sincerly yours,
Draco Lucius Malfoy

"What did he say?" Bill asked.

"He agreed!" Hermione exclaimed.

Everyone in the room burst with joy and relief.

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