Hades Blind Mate|45

Start from the beginning

I was cuffed standing up, I knew if I moved the wrong way I'd tear my arms off or hang uncomfortable—I couldn't communicate with my wolf at all and my powers were completely turned off. I felt defenseless, I felt like I did before I fell. I had come so far, I had grown so much and now I couldn't begin to understand why bad things always happened to me.

"Enjoying your accommodations, my dear." The voice sent chills down my spine, the room seemed to get darker every single step this man took.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice almost betrayed me in fear of what would come next—I wanted nothing more but then to take Hades and leave this place.

"My name is Tantalus, not many know of me—I had been set to be punished in the worst parts of the underworld and not even Lucifer could take me due to me being a god." He scoffed, I could hear the hatred and anger roll off him.

"Why me? Why can't you leave me alone!" I yelled, suddenly in front of me stood a man—or a monster, his skin looked old and wrinkled yet you could tell by his voice that he wasn't that old since gods don't age.

"Just because fate took you down this path, doesn't mean I didn't play a part in the sidelines—do you really think the people who raised you really hated you?" He laughed, I flinched by his remark—how much influence did this man have.

He walked toward Hades, his eyes dark with hatred—He hated him. I could feel it, I wondered what he had done—what things had he changed, but at the same time I didn't care.

"I don't care! I have my life, why can't you let me live it." I exclaimed angrily, seeing Hades tied up and extremely pale made me sick.

"You mean with this sorry excuse of God? How can THIS be who you want to spend forever with—disgusting." He rolled his eyes, spat at Hades feet and made his way back towards me.

He touched my face and I flinched—his hands were cold. It was like touching ice, I felt sharp painful needles pierce my skin as he gripped my face.

"I love him!" I stuttered, the pain I felt was almost unbearable—how could a touch be so painful.

"Do you like my touch? Gifts from mighty Zeus—just because they didn't enjoy my gift, I did EVERYTHING to please then and they punished me for it." Tantalus snarled angrily, I felt tears fall from my cheeks but his grip hardened.

"You were punished for a reason!" I spat out, ignoring the pain that spread through me.

"For a reason, the same reason Hades was forced to be the god of the underworld? Forced to relive the crimes of every person whether it be good or bad? Zeus is a pussy, he couldn't handle people who might be stronger than him so he sentences them to the cruelest lives possible." He snarled, I flinched as he got closer—his breath reeked.

"You are a monster!" I yelled, his eyes became dark with anger.

"A monster! A monster! I killed my own son for them, offered him to a god as great as Zues just to be refused and punished! Left chained in painful water reaching forever for food I could never touch! I'm the monster!?" He growled, I felt the blood drain from my face.

"You killed your own son? For power?" I asked, I felt disgusted.

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare look at me like that!" He snarled, I could tell how solitude had gotten to him—he was absolutely insane.

"You are right, you aren't a monster—you're a sick and twisted coward." I snarled, I felt Morana within me fighting for control.

"Oh sweet Seina, a coward I could never be." He chuckled, he touched my face and slowly went down towards my body.

Hades Blind Mate ✔ COMPLETED |18+Where stories live. Discover now