Hades Blind Mate|36

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It had been a slow week, Apollo was trying to find information about who we were up against.

Sadly his godly abilities weren't working towards this future, he had tried everything to even see a grasp of it and he said it was like somebody was blocking his eye sight. He definitely was angered by it, which usually put Mason on edge- every since I decided to stay in the pack he had been protective over me.

More like an older brother protecting his younger sister, Emma was thriving of this protective nature that he had for both of us since we were pregnant and I had never felt more connected than I did now knowing I had other people around me who understood me.

Morana had been at peace, I decided to bond with the pack the 3rd day here because I had spent so much time crying and feeling week-the moment I was bonded with the pack, I felt so much love and support that it was overwhelming on how I missed out on it before. I had seen the ruins of the home that held me captive, I had been having non stop nightmares and luckily my room was sound proof.

It was like all the things that had happened to me were slowly coming to the surface, I didn't know I had so much unresolved conflicts until I stepped onto the ruins of where I grew up and it all came flooding back like a black door finally opening his champers and I remembered why I closed them off.

Memories-Age 13

"I have way to much fun with you." He sneered, he lingered way to long on my skin.

The fear that I couldn't see him, I could fight him-knowing I was useless, hungry and scared let me to his will. He thrived on how he made me feel, he would cut me then feed me so I would never scar-the only scars he ever left were the ones my mother made him do.

"I wish I could take your scars away, but at the same time I love your pain." Rafael snickered

"You're sick." I yelled into the darkness-being blind was my enemy.

Hades Blind Mate ✔ COMPLETED |18+Where stories live. Discover now