"Why are you saying this to me?" She asked battling so hard to control the tears that threatened to escape from her eyes.

"I'm trying to make ammends. I know I hurt you Mimi. You are a wonderful girl who deserve to be treated way better than how I have. You deserve to be happy and I want you to be happy." He lightly touched her chin and she leaned on his hand. She felt a familiar comforting feeling from doing that. 

"Well we both made mistakes Michael. I made a mistake of sleeping with a married man but the worst mistake I made was to fall in love with you. I'm no longer angry at you, just sad about how things ended between us. Make things right with Kayla, that baby girl needs her father in her life. I guess this is goodbye then."

She got up to him a hug. Her heart shattering as she gave him one  last lingering  kiss. She knew it was over and she had to nurse her broken heart. She watched longingly as he walked towards the group of nicely dressed gentlemen. After she finished her drink she went back to school. She was glad to be alone in the room. She cried her heart out until there were no more tears in her eyes. She knew she had to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. She vowed to stay away from men for the time being.

Michael's POV

After his encounter with Mimi her decided to take control of his life. The meeting with the board members took longer than he had anticipated. After they were done he called his mother to inform her about his plan. His mother was truly estactic, he believed  that it was a great idea to fix things with his ex-wife.

He decided to go check her at the office first. The receptionist gave him a scrutinizing look when he demanded  to know where Kayla was. After a few hesitant minutes, she told him that she was on the second floor. Every one of her employee gave him a  dirty look before passing by. He was pretty sure that they all knew that he had cheated on their boss. He found her behind a sewing machine as she guided a silky fabric under the machine.

"Kayla we have to talk."
Her eyes snapped from whatever she was doing and frowned upon seeing him. She looked tired, Michael observed.

"Not now Michael I am in the middle of something." She said as her eyes went back to her machine. Her  hands got busy with threading the machine.

"I want to meet my daughter." He stated. Her hands paused for a moment before she continued  with what she was doing.

"You can't."

"Kayla please. Let me meet her, I want to be in my daughters life. Surely you can't deny me the right to know my own child." He pleaded with her, daring her to look into his eyes but she held her stance.

"Michael you can't come waltzing into my life as if nothing happened. A lot has happened and I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it didn't. I don't want you in my life, I don't want you anywhere near my daughter. You have no right to claim her as yours. You might as well be a sperm donor for all I care." She stated calmly. The way she was calm worried Michael. He had expected her to scream at him. To shout and throw things at him but she was doing no such.

"You don't mean that."

"I mean it Michael. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Kayla please. I'm trying to write my wrongs here. I know that I hurt you, I betrayed you and for that I'm sorry. Please I want to fix things. All I'm asking is for you to give me a chance to be there for you and our daughter."

"So finally you had a moral epiphany? What is this Michael? What are you trying to achieve really?"

"I am asking for your forgiveness. Please find it in your heart to forgive me Kay. I know I have wronged  you deeply, I'm trying to correct that." He pleaded.

"Too little too late baby. The damage has been done. You know what they say Michael, some things can't be fixed once they are broken.Do you even know that I nearly lost Ayanna?"

She saw the shook in his eyes. There were unspoken questions in his face. Michael felt the world spin. He collapsed on the nearby chair.

"That day when you came over, the day you slapped me I nearly lost this child that you want to claim as yours. I blame you for going into labour early that time. I blame that because of your my daughter has to suffer the consequences. Do you even know what you did to me Michael? How can I let you in my life, in my daughters life?" She asked calmly, the way she was calm scared her too.

He didn't know what to say or do. Tears streamed down his face. He felt ashamed, remorseful and angry with himself.

"Kayla I'm so sorry. I didn't know you gave birth prematurely. If I knew that you went into labour that day I would have...."

"You would have what? You would have done nothing. I don't think you are capable of loving Ayanna the way she deserves to be loved. You are no good for her. Take me to court, I don't care. I'm protecting my daughter from you." Kayla gave him a heated glare.

"I'm sorry Kay. I hope I time you will be able to forgive me and give me a chance to know Ayanna." He left her office battered.

He knew that he deserved the treatment he was getting. He realised that he was a bad person, he hurt everyone around him and he had betrayed the only woman to had once gave up everything for him. He sat in the car as tears uncontrollably slid from his eyes.

A Woman Scorned Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon