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Chapter 38: Come Back

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We watch from the crowd as the crown was gently placed on Historia's head. Every commander from the different legions bowed before her as the people cheered.

After she too bowed to the men she stood and did the salute, placing her right hand over her heart with her left behind her back curled exactly the same as the right. I stood beside Levi who watched as well.

"Let's go." he mutters in my ear, nodding I follow him inside to meet with the others. As I was slowly walking towards them Levi stopped and pulled me off to the side to wait for them to meet up to us.

We could hear the chatter from where we were standing. Confused I look at Levi but before I could ask he then yanks me along so we were both standing in front of the group. His held mine tightly as he stood there.

The crowd fell silent as Historia looked up at us. We watched as her expression changed and she began to scream all while balling up her fists. And out of nowhere she punched Levi in the arm. Confused I look to the group who all seemed scared for Historia.

"Whatcha think of that?! I'm queen now!" she stops and stares in shock, I then turn my head back to Levi who smiled. It must've been the first time he'd ever smiled to anyone, even I was shocked.

"Thanks, you guys." he says.

With that he let go of my hand and walked off leaving me to say goodbye knowing I wouldn't be able to tomorrow. Eren was the first to come up, I assumed Erwin let them know I was leaving. "So this is it huh? Your last day?" he asks.

Smiling I nod. "I leave tomorrow morning so... yeah." I mutter.

Without another word he swooped down and hugged me tightly. "Be safe, got it?" he mutters. As I pull out of his reach I nod my head, then next the others one-by-one hugged me and said their goodbyes.

Lastly was Historia. Walking up with a smile she hugged me tightly, "You'll do great." I mutter. As she fell back she smiled and thanked me. As the group passed me I turn and wave to them. Damn I'm gonna miss this.

Following the same path Levi took I turn the left corner and run into a very tall man. Looking up I find it was Erwin, smiling I back up and salute him. "Commander." I greet.

He salutes back at me and smiles. "Are you leaving now?" he questions.

I shook my head. "Not yet... I figured I'd rest before leaving." I answer.

He smiles down at me and nodded. "Well good luck Jaeger." he mutters. As he walked past me my eyes widened at the name he called me. Spinning around I watch him walk away in shock, he turned his head back and continued to smile at me. So he knew.

Turning around I made my way outside through the back where I was met with Hanji who jumped me. "I found one!" she yells. Falling to the ground I laid on my side.

Confused I look up at her and watch as she stands up on her feet, she then extended her left hand down to me. Grabbing her wrist I let her hoist me up back to my feet, still hanging on to my hand she began to tug me along.

Into the forest she led me fairly far until there was a trail. She let me go once we reached the trail and I followed her closely until she stopped and stepped aside. "That's why they look like right?" she asks.

Nodding my head I took a step closer. "And you have everything you need to pass right?" she questions. I nod my head again, I was going to use a picture taken in that year... then all I had to think of was the date.

"I'll meet you here first thing after sun rise." I tell her as I turn to her.

Smiling and nodding she took a step closer and hugged me once more. "Gosh... it's gonna feel really weird not having you around." she says.

Hugging her back it made me think of yesterday and what she said. It only seemed like yesterday when I arrived here, but it's been about two months and a lot has happened... and now it was all ending, my adventure was coming to a close. I'll research everything I can about time traveling. And come back.

~Time Skip~

The day went by all to fast with the constant reminder that it was my last day with how many goodbyes I had. Thankfully now I was able to rest, slowly walking down the dark hallway I made my way to Levi's room to meet and spend what little time I had left with him.

As I reached the dark wooden door I stood there hesitant. Whatever happens behind this door... I won't regret. Reaching for the doorknob I twist it slowly and push the door inward opening it slightly.

Peeking my head in I find a shirtless Levi sitting on the bed looking at this right wrist... where he had the necklace wrapped. Quickly stepping in I shut the door behind me and with my pointer finger I push in the lock hearing a soft click. No regrets... whatever happens I'll have no regrets.

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