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Chapter 32: Under These Conditions

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Before we could even get dinner finished Levi rushed us all out of the safe house. With our gear packed up and guns in our hands we rushed up to the nearest hill, there were fewer of us due to Hanji leaving with her squad for a bit.

Standing beside Armin we all looked down watching people running up to the safe house with torches. "That was a close one." Connie sighs.

Leaning forward slightly I look overt to Connie who was in a bit of shock. "If we would have slept there tonight- what would have happened to us?" Connie questions quietly.

"Well we're not so no use in dwelling over it." I say before turning away.

Then Armin turned slightly looking over to Levi. "Squad leader, do you think those guys are the Military Police?" he asks.

Levi's stoic expression bored at Armin before he silently shrugged his shoulders, and turned his head. "Who knows... to think they'd come here directly." he then shook his head seeming to have something on his mind now.

"Let's hurry to the meeting place." he then announces. With that we took into the forest following him to the meeting spot.


Deep within the woods we set up camp, the others were growing tired of walking and wanted to rest. I couldn't have them completely wiped out in Trost if I kept them moving. As we all pull out our sleeping bags we set it up in a circle close to one another.

It wouldn't be smart to start a fire with people roaming out and about looking for us, so we'd all have to huddle close. To my right (Y/N) was sitting with her feet tucked in the sleeping bag preparing to sleep already. But it turns out she was just warming up, I watched as she got out of the sleeping back. "Where are you going?" I ask.

Leaning on the tree in front of us was her gun, she went to pick it up before turning to look at me. "Someone has to be on watch- in case those people come this way." she informs.

"Have someone else do it, I'm sure you're tired." I talk back, my right hand then gently patted at her spot, beckoning for her to come back.

"This isn't my first all nighter Captain." she says.

I felt hurt by her calling me Captain, she had always called me by my first name- Her calling me that made me feel small, and to remind me why she would call me that- because to her I was just her captain nothing more nothing less.

As the other's laid down and drifted off into their peaceful slumber, I stayed up. (Y/N) had traveled a little ways away back in the direction of the safe house to keep a lookout. Quietly I slip out from underneath the sleeping back and jump to my feet.

I tiptoe past the sleeping teenagers and over in the direction (Y/N) had gone off to. I kind of regretted leaving the warmth of the sleeping bag, but I had to find (Y/N)- to talk to her, to make sure she never called me Captain again.

There was a dim light from her lantern that sat on the ground next to her. She was sitting on the cold ground probably freezing. Coming up to the tree I find her staring out into the distance, completely ignoring me. "How long are you gonna ignore me?" I ask. Her head shot up and tilted back slightly to look up at me.

Her bottom lip stuck out slightly as if she were pouting. "How am I ignoring you? I'm talking to you aren't I?" she retorts in a sharp snappy tone.

I raised my brow to her and watch her head shoot back down seeming to be regretting her slightly harsh response. "You've barely spoken to me and when you do it's like that... curt." I explain.

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