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Chapter 19: The Subjects

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I walked around the halls early the next morning. I wanted to avoid seeing Levi right away, it was a fairly quiet morning until I heard the sound of doors bursting open. Darting my head I watch Hanji dash out and run down the hall terrified.

Running past me she seemed panicked. I follow her outside curious to see what was wrong. I knew the direction she was going in, to her subjects.

I began running down the hall and took a sharp left turn. Outside smoke rose from the ground a little ways away. Oh no. Running outside I follow Hanji over finding a crowd of people looking at the two dead titans. Sony and Bean... they were both dead and already skeletons by the time Hanji and I reached them.

Hanji let out loud cries while her hands ruffled through her hair. Standing in the crowd I felt bad watching my friend so heartbroken over her dead subjects, she considered them her pets almost. "Why would someone do this?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

Darting my head to the left I find Eren with his hood over his head watching Hanji. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I mutter.

Then Eren and I were pushed further away when Levi stepped in. "Tch, pathetic." Levi groans in annoyance.

I glared at him from the side. How can he be so heartless? Moments later he left our side only for Erwin to come up behind Eren. Erwin leaned over Eren muttering something to him. I was soon tightly embraced by a weeping Hanji.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as she sniffled into my shoulder. I patted her back trying to calm her. "W-who would do this?" she questions.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I-I don't know Hanji." I mutter.

I really didn't remember, throughout my reading I never got to this part. "I was looking forward to doing more t-test." she cries. I patted her back a little more before turning with her in my arms.

I started to head back in doors. In front of me was Erwin and Levi they both looked back at me before darting their eyes forward. I took Hanji back to her office and stayed there until she stopped crying.

I never bothered to realize she had become a close friend of mine throughout my time being here. She kept my secret and has been helping me look for a way back. "Hanji... I know this isn't the time to ask but... I was wondering if.... If there could be a way to get me back before the expedition." I mutter.

Her head darted up from as looked at me little surprised. "You want to leave already? But what about helping Eren-

"Things are just... it's complicated, with Erwin being upset with me and Levi- well Levi is Levi but I don't think I'm much help... my notebook is basically empty and I can't remember half the things in it let alone tell you." I explain.

"But I need you (Y/N)! You've been helping me out a lot! Just a little longer and I'll make sure you get back." Hanji begs as she gets up from her chair.

I stood there looking at the floor thinking to myself. I really need to get back... I feel like I'm forgetting things I shouldn't be forgetting...

Hanji walked up and wrapped her arms around me rather tightly, she let out soft sniffles. I let out a sigh and nod my head. "Okay... I'll stay a while longer." I breathe. I patted her back a little, I felt unsure if staying was a good idea.

I stayed a while longer in her office to be sure she wouldn't lose it again. After she insisted I go I take my leave and begin heading out for a while. Walking down the hallway I pass by the cadets who stood and chatted among each other.

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