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Chapter 16: A Meeting

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I sat in Levi's office waiting for him to get back. He had to step out to step to Erwin leaving me here by myself. I looked about the room once more although I had become quite familiar with the place.

Tapping my foot impatiently, I continued to look around the room. I wonder what Erwin wanted Levi for. When the door opened my head darted back finding Levi entering the room.

Shutting the door he locked it and turned to me. Watching him walk past me, he goes and sits in his chair. Leaning back he looked at me long and hard. "Erwin and I have to leave again for another meeting." he says.

Letting out a sigh I turn my head to the side. "What for this time?" I ask.

He shrugged his shoulders, before sitting up straight. "Erwin didn't really say... probably about the expedition and what not... you're able to come with this time so I told Erwin you'd be happy to." he says quickly, hoping I wouldn't catch it. But I did.

"What?! Why would you do that?!" I ask in a near yelling pitch.

Sighing he rolls his eyes, getting up he walks around his desk before leaning on the edge of it in front of me. "It's my job to make sure you don't go running off again, remember last time you ran off? Your wounds haven't even healed completely yet. I don't want you getting hurt again." he says.

Crossing my arms I let out a huff. "I'd rather stay here... I can help Hanji." I suggest.

Levi simply shook his head. "Hanji has Moblit, besides I've already told Erwin your going so it's final, now go pack." he orders. I tried to be nice and follow through with the deal we had, but he was making it so difficult.

"And what if I don't wanna?" I ask, testing his nerves I watch him flash an annoyed glare my way. He then pushed himself off his desk and placed both hands on the armrests of my chair. He began to lean in, his expression annoyed.

"If you don't I'll go in your room myself and pack for you, and if I have to I'll throw your annoying little ass over my shoulder and carry you out myself." he whispers.

Trembling slightly I move my head away from his. Standing from my seat I glared at him. "Go to hell short stack." I insult as I whip around the chair. As I headed for the door I was up to the wall then whipped around looking back at Levi.

"What did I say about disrespecting me?" he growls.

I go to push him off me letting out a soft grunt. "You never thought to ask if I wanted to go, and when I decided not to go you forced me- So, you disrespected my decision you prick." I groan, with enough force I pushed him off of me and quickly rushed out of his office.

Bolting across the hall I made it into the safety of my room then locked my door. To keep him from barging in I moved a very heavy dresser in front of the door to keep him from opening the door. Darting my head around the room I was ready to bolt again if he managed to break in.

A pounding at my door signified he was angry. "(Y/N) move whatever is in front of this damn door now!" I hear him shout.

Out of fear, I head for the window. Looking back I watched the door slowly open from Levi pushing it with all his strength. When he got in he stopped and stared for only a moment as I sat on the ledge of the window. "Don't you-

I slipped out of the window and fell out on the other side before he could finish. Looking up I watched him come up and look out. "Get back here you shit!" he shouts.

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