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"Thank you for bringing her here," Chiron said, shaking my hand.

It was the next day, and I had finally gotten Violet to Camp Half-Blood, even if I was speeding the rest of the way. I was done with monsters. Done.

Violet was now watching the orientation film, and I was trying to leave as soon as possible because I just wanted to go home.

"Of course. Well, I should be going," I said, preparing to mist travel.

But instead, Chiron insisted that I stay for the bonfire. I could've easily refused, but Violet had just come back and was saying, "Please Hannah, please stay!"

"Hannah?" Chiron questioned. I shot him my deadliest death glare, which promptly shut him up.

I then turned to Violet and said, "Only for you, Vi."

* * *

"Hey! What are you doing here?" someone shouted at me.

It had been about an hour since I got to camp, and I had spent that whole afternoon hour at the beach, relaxing. I turned around to see Percy and Annabeth drawing their weapons. I quickly stood up before saying, "Oh, hi! Gotta go, sorry!"

I then stepped forward as if I was going towards Percy and Annabeth, only to transform into mist mid-step, resolidifying myself back at the Big House, in front of Chiron.

"Look Chiron, I can't stay for the bonfire-"

"Yes you can," Mr. D said, walking into the room. "Your father wants you to stay for the bonfire, so you're staying."

3, 2, 1, cue mood change.

"No!" I exploded. "I've spent the last week running across the country, and I want to go home, I need to go help Ryan with the coffee shop and-"

"No you don't, I'm right here!" Ryan said, walking in through another door.

"Who else is waiting to walk in and interrupt me! Come out now, or I swear I will kill you!"

"Ok, relax. There's no one else," Ryan said raising his hands.

"That's planned anyways," Mr. D grumbled. "Kids are always running in here unannounced.

"Why don't you two go for a walk, eh?" Chiron suggested.

"Sure. Come on Hali," Ryan said. Me, still fuming, had to be dragged out.

We walked out to see Percy and Annabeth running up the hill to us. I almost lost it, lemme tell you this. If Ryan wasn't here, I would've unleashed a wave, or an earthquake, or both, and destroyed the camp.

Ryan felt me tense up, and tightened his grip on my arm, telling me to calm down. Pfft, yeah right.

"Ryan?" Annabeth asked.


"Who's that?" Percy asked threateningly. Ryan faltered a bit under Percy's gaze, like most people. I simply returned it, making Annabeth falter.

"I'm Hannah," was all I said. Ryan looked at me strangely, before it clicked that I rarely gave out my real name to strangers of the Greek world.

"Hannah... who?" Annabeth questioned.

"Don't worry about it guys, she's like a sister to me, you can trust her," Ryan said, walking forwards, pulling him with me. "We're going for a walk, but we'll be back for the bonfire."

"But-" Percy started.

"Bye!" Ryan called, covering my mouth with his hand, holding back a nasty response that I was about to unleash.

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