**Shelia growls at him leaving.

I quickly decide to get off at the next stop, run back to the previous stop, his stop, pick up his scent, and follow it to his location.  Fortunately, the dreadful rain has stopped so it should be a bit easier to pick it up. 

Damn it, it did take longer than I thought to pick up his scent, which really pissed me off!!  A light drizzle had come down between the time when he got off the bus and when I was able to get off at the next stop. 

When I finally arrive at his house I'm surprised at how far he's travelled from the bus stop. It's quite a distance from his workplace. 

The outside of the house was small yet cute. At first, I had a bit of trouble locating him within the home. A stupid TV was on with the volume turned up high so even with my advanced hearing it took awhile to pin down his exact location. His scent was everywhere so that didn't really help much either! I finally find him though in the garage. Why is he in the garage this late? I couldn't see him because there were no windows. So, I decide to stay outside  listening to his slow, steady breathing, content he is inside, finally out of the rain, asleep. Maybe he dozed off while doing a school project since he was away from that loud, obnoxious TV. 

I reluctantly head back home with the reassuring thought of visiting a certain convenience store tomorrow in the hopes he is working so I can ask him out.......

And ask him his name, damn!


It's late when I finally arrive back at the pack house and slowly head up toward my room, tired from my crazy adrenaline filled day.  On my way up the winding stairs I run into Lucille, one of my best friends and Beta female of my pack. I'll need to meet with her mate Jax about today's business meetings and other events tomorrow.

"Where have you been?" she genuinely inquires.

"Around, no where special," I evasively reply.

Lucille slowly smirks and playfully says, "I know something is up and you'll let me know  eventually. You can spill it now or later. Your choice!" while giggling.

"Later,"  I lightly grumble and loudly stomp off to my soft bed.

I am truly overjoyed to have found my mate yet he is human. How do I tell him about my kind, my world, or even my position as alpha at that, without freaking him out?!

**Mate will not mind- Shelia reassures me.

*I'm anxious though-I tell her.

**I know. Fear of rejection is natural no matter your species. It will be ok though-Shelia again tries to comfort and calm me down.

*Lets sleep please and visit him tomorrow, ok-I reply

Wyatt POV

I loath going home, if I can even call it that, with every fiber of my being. My hope is to be able to  change into some dry clothes and just go to sleep without a fight with my guardians.

"Hey, dipshit!!" my dickhead of an uncle snaps at me while I close the door as quickly and quietly as possible. Although it's near to impossible with that rundown door! 

Damn, no such luck!!!

"You worthless piece of shit! Why are you late? What took you so long?" my lazy piece of crap uncle screams at me the moment I walk through the creaky front door of this hellhole of a house.

"It's raining so it took longer to get home. I'm not late by much,"  I reply with as little emotion as I can muster since that it the easiest way to not piss him off.


"Don't get smart with me boy!" he growls at me. Now he is standing right in my face while grabbing my shirt. I can smell his horrible breath, which reeks of alcohol.

My grandma, aunt and uncle all drink alcohol as if it's water. I promised myself long ago to never touch the stuff!!! I never want to act like them!!! Drunk or sober!!

"I'm not getting smart. I swear. I'm just answering your question,"  I calmly state in almost a whisper while avoiding eye contact. Although, inside I am anything but calm!!  I just don't want to piss him off more. 

PUNCH! Shit, it lands on my left cheek. 

PUNCH! Directly to the stomach. I land on the ground, hard on my knees,  and  he continues to kick me several more times in my side. He finally stops!! He got bored I guess. He slowly bends down so he is in my face, almost nose to nose and mutters, "Weak ass, worthless piece of trash murderer. You better believe you better not fight back if you know what is good for you" alcohol fanning my face, inducing my gag reflex but I hold it down, thankfully. 

I don't move from my place on the floor for awhile, quietly waiting for him to leave the room, back to his TV and beer. I carefully get up, with the help of the back of the couch and go to my room, which is actually the garage. It gets really cold during the winter, really hot during the summer, and just plain miserable anytime it rains. 

Shit, he hit me in the face! He usually avoids hitting me in the face since it is so visible and would lead people to ask questions. Well, I'll have to survey the damage tomorrow and see what kind of story I will have to spin in order to explain the marks in case anyone actually ask, which is doubtful. No one cares!

Next day..

I slowly wake up, ease out of bed, reluctantly head to the back bathroom and carefully inspect my face in the mirror. Damn, there are definitely visible bruises! Well, no sense in worrying unless someone actually ask me about them. I quickly head to school as early as possible to avoid my aunt and uncle. They drank heavily last night so they should still be sleeping soundly. If I can just be quiet. 

I purposely keep my head down at school and go to my classes trying to be invisible. I got some questioning looks but no one actually ask me any questions. I head straight to work after school. I'm so grateful to have this job. Ms. Danees is a really nice and understanding person, which I'm not used to encountering. I'm actually able to eat there although not the healthiest of foods but I don't care. Beggars can't be choosers. I start my shift and settle in for the evening at work.

Being at work reminds me of the redhead goddess I saw last night who apparently has a major sweet tooth!!!  Damn, she was stunning!!!

I would love to get to know her more but I'll probably never see her again........

The though actually makes my heart ache......

I can at least dream of her though......

The Red Wolf's MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon