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I had to not look their way , even though i was curious about what they were talking about i had to stop myself from looking their way.

I had to give him space , after all thats what i could do for him at least. Or i would make it harder for him.

I thought it would be harder staying away from people i shared all my days with.

The people who were like my daily routine. But i think byunggon explained the situation to them nicely because no one tried to make us talk like they used to when we had fights.

They wouldnt try to bring us together. It was a little sad to see that i was away from all of them. But they were bex's friend from the start so if they had to choose one of us they would choose him over me.

Our long useless conversations changed to simple greetings. It was as if we never had a special friendship.

If it was for a while i could wait till he sorts out his feelings but i was afraid that after that we would never get our friendship back. What if everything stayed the way it is now? .

When it was time for lunch i walked with one of our classmates , i was used to being dragged away by one of the boys but they loudly run out of class when it was time for lunch as i watched their back. I sighed as i walked out with her, we talked about some of school works since school was the only shared subject between us.  As we got our tray she said she would eat with her friends which had a group of people i was not familiar with.  So when she invited me i politely refused.

I stood there scanning a seat i could take,  till my eyes fell on donghyun , he was sitting with one of his friends .

One was better than a group of strangers so i made my way to him, donghyun had the vibe where you could always feel welcomed around.

So when i went to him and tapped him on his shoulder  , he looked over and smiled when he saw me.

"Can i sit here?" I asked awkwardly grinning at him.

He looked confused for a second as he glanced at where my friends were sitting, calculated the situation before he kindly moved his seat so i could sit on the one inside .

"Thank you " i shyly said before facing his friend.

" Hi"

" Oh hi"

It was awkward before donghyun introduced as to each other.

"This is my friend youngmin , and this is soojin although u already know" he smirked jokingly as a blush made it to my face.

Of course his friend will know he had a crush on me. He is his friend for a reason.

And this made me think about if the boys knew how byunggon felt before he said anything.

If they knew ,why didnt i know?

Although now wasnt time for thinking but i couldn't help my busy mind

It was awkward at first with youngmin but he turned out to be a real cutie. And we got close real fast, talking about our interest in movies and drama.

His ultimate was (my love from another star) while mine was (a love so beautiful).

"I feel like an outcast here now" donghyun teased as he shook his head.

He seemed happy to see us click. We just rolled our eyes at him and continued our conversation.

I almost forgot about byunggons problem till i met his gaze as i looked their way.

He was staring at us , and i felt like he was doing it for a while and he looked hurt which made the smile on my face fade away completely back to over thinking again.

Was it bad for me to sit here while he thought i like donghyun? But i didnt like him in that way. I liked him as a friend and thats how we were talking now.

I didnt know how long this situation would take but i wanted it to be over soon. Please.


That evening when i came down from my nap , i could smell the cookies from upstairs. And it lead me to the kitchen.

Mom seemed to be in a good mood since she was stastifed with the taste. Because when the food burns or when it tasted bad she was not in a suitable mood for talking.

"Did you make cookies?"i asked the obvious.

"Ow yeah , i tried a new recipe and it turned out so good" she explained excitedly as she shoved one into my mouth.

" It turned out really nicee" i beamed as i tasted it.

" Oww thank you sweetie" mom smiled happily at my compliment.

"So what about taking a few to miss kim's house ? She always makes good ones" mom suggested , proud of the taste. Since miss kim was always better than my mom at baking.

Although i knew this was important for her ego i still scrunched my face.

"My i dont think so , it had been a while since you had made one this good and i want it all to myself" i tried to make the guilt work but it didnt .

"Really ?" She asked with a smirk.

I nodded fast.

"Then you should take it obviously" she beamed.

"But mom " i complained but it was of no use as i found myself being thrown out of home with a bag of cookies in my hand.

'god why are we still here just to suffer?'


Hello guysss , i didnt have internet those days so i couldnt update i am sorry

But i hope you liked this chapter.

Ilyyy have fun

the little chick🐣 (bbyakgon) 🦖 {CIX - Bx}Where stories live. Discover now