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Han soojin

We were at Italy , now in Venice. As he said that day he didn't come to say goodbye to me, he just said take care that evening when I went back home. No goodbye hug nothing. He had been this way for a week and he acted distant.

I noticed it before we came to Italy but here I noticed it more. I looked at our conversations. I didn't notice it when we were talking that I was always the one who sent the first message and the one who kept the conversation going by bringing up new subjects and asking about others. I frowned when I saw it. He was still the byounggon I knew when he talked but it was like if I had 50% of him before , I only had 5% of him now.

That's how I decided to not send him any message , that day I kept looking at my phone, and couldn't enjoy my day at all. Not at all but I couldn't enjoy it as usual.i kept wanting to text him and tell him about my day or when I saw something the frist thing I thought was 'omg I have to tell byyakgon about this'

He didn't text or call that day. But he did the next day I got so happy but the disappointment from yesterday was still there.

"are you busy?" he asked.

"no , why?" I answered normally.

"I don't know maybe because you didn't text me yesterday so I thought you were busy" he said and I figured out he was eating chips from the sound.

"were you busy?" I asked back.

"no why?" he asked not understanding my question.

"yes you weren't but still you didn't call me so why would i?" I was getting annoyed by now.

"ok" he said. Ok? Ok? That's all he said? That's when I decided to keep my pride too and not call until he does from now on.

He asked me about my day and even thought I was annoyed and angry at him I still told him about every detail and when I asked about his " I went out with the boys" he said and he provided no details . I wanted to ask him where they went or what they did or what happened there but I kept myself from doing it.

"okay I have to go now, we will talk later " I said as I said my goodbye when I actually didn't have anything to do but I was still mad at him.


Well my plans with keeping my pride didn't do me any good . I thought maybe if I didn't call or text for sometimes he would make more effort and our friendship would get back to how it was but it didn't , it only made it worse we talked for 10 minutes each 3 or 2 days.

Even when we were always together at school and after school he would always call at night and we would talk for nearly 1 hour.

I think everyone at some points of their life think about their friendships and if it was real or not, or the other person really thought about them the way we thought about them and cared as much? Or we were just hanging on them and not letting them go.

It felt like only one person was making effort to make the friendship going. And the special friendship I had with byounggon turned to a friendship where when I wanted to call him I always thought about what if I was annoying him? What if I burdened him? What if got bored of me. It hurted me to know that if I tried to put an end to our friendship no one would try to stop me anymore.

He wasn't my only friend but he was my only bestfriend.

That summer was when I knew our special friendship wasn't so special anymore.

Our friendship that was different from others wasn't so different anymore.

We were just ordinary people with ordinary friendship.


 i have decided to break there friendship XD . evil ik but thats how life is :D..




and show love <3 :))))))))))))).

the little chick🐣 (bbyakgon) 🦖 {CIX - Bx}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon