"No one yet" she says quietly.

"Oh San, we're technically going as a big group anyway so it doesn't matter too much" Rachel said reassuringly.

"I know rach and I'm honestly fine" she gives a small smile but it's clear to everyone that it was forced.

We go back to our comfortable silence as we scan the area for dresses. I have 12 on my arm whilst Santana holds 4 and Rachel has none.

I throw the dresses into her arms and quickly usher them into the changing rooms. I take a seat facing them and prepare myself for a fashion show.

When they both step out, Santana is wearing a long black lacy dress with diamanté details. It's beautiful and I tell her so, but she says she isn't feeling it. Rachel steps out in a long lavender dress with a long slit where the right leg is, it's a simple design with a small diamanté belt but she too wasn't feeling it.

We spend the next few hours repeating this in several stores and with many, many dresses. Santana opens the curtain to reveal herself, and based on how stunning she looks and how big her smile is I'd say she's found the one. The design was simple yet elegant and Santana looked amazing. The dress is floor length and blood red with a v neckline and a long slit. I squealed and she giggled and we turned to see what Rachel was wearing. That's the one.

Kurt sent us all to get our prom outfits, and like last year puck is whining. I already bought my tie and the corsage, I mean it's obvious that Rachel will be wearing pink. Sam's kind of bummed that he doesn't have a date, but we're all going as a group so he doesn't mind too much.

"I may have to steal your girl for a dance Hudson" he says half jokingly and I laugh.

Blaine being Blaine is taking charge and I'm pretty thankful. He's gone simple, with a black jacket and matching pants, a crisp white shirt and a bow tie.

I took a somewhat similar approach, my tux is grey and I have a simple white shirt underneath as well as my tie that will match Rachel's dress.

Blaine makes puck buy a maroon coloured suit, insisting that we all rock different colours. The suit doesn't look bad to be honest, and puck seems to like it.

Sam is brave as he goes for a pure white suit, with a black waistcoat underneath and a plain black tie. In the end, we're pretty happy with our results and go to meet the girls and Kurt who also happen to be in the mall.

We hear kurt's squeal inside a dress store, of course it's empty and I don't blame them because I could not be in a store with Kurt whilst he's talking about fashion.

"Rachel you look so beautiful!" He squeals and my ears prick up. Blaine clears his throat so he knows that we're here and Kurt goes into panic mode.

"No, Rachel hide! Finn this is bad luck" he shouts as he scrambles around and makes sure that the dressing room that Rachel is in is securely covered by the curtain.

Everyone looks at him amused until he breathes a sigh of relief when Rachel comes out wearing her normal clothes.

"Kurt, my dress is in the dressing room can you buy it for me?" she asks whilst handing Kurt her credit card before he and Santana buy the dresses.

"Hi" she grins up at me and I grin back. "Hi yourself" I whisper against her lips before making them connect with mine.

Our fun is interrupted however, when Kurt returns with a large bag in his hand that holds the contents of Rachel's dress, Rachel tries to take it but he snatches it away.

"No way, I'm not letting anyone ruin this dress" he says firmly and she giggles. Man I need to see this dress.

Rachel and Santana drag us into a store so they can pick up another dress they've each ordered for the prom after party at Rachel's house. I mean how many dresses do they need for one night.

It's now Friday and coach sue is about to read our her announcement for the prom court nominees. Last year I was nominated too, but I made sure my name was taken off last minute seeing as I didn't go to prom. It would be cool to be nominated again this year, but to be honest I'll have fun either way because I'm going with my best friends.

"Attention idiots, here are you prom court nominees" she booms down the microphone.

Santana sits next to me and squeezes my hand and smiles.

"Your finalists for prom king are: Finn Hudson, Noah puckerman, Dave Karofsky and Sam Evans" she yells and I cheer to Finn who's at the back of the room and looks shocked. It's amazing to see how far he's come, from being the tall boy who got picked on to being one of the most popular guys in school.

"And now your finalists for prom queen are: Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Brittany S pierce and kitty Wilde" she yells before cursing at becky Jackson who broke a xylophone.

Me and Santana immediately start to talk, obviously Finn and I are going to run together and I suggested that Santana runs with puck and she seems to think about it.

When the bell rings signalling that class is over, I turn to Finn to see he's already been approached by kitty.

I was shocked, very shocked to find that I've been nominated for prom king. I mean me? Prom king? It was no surprise that Rachel has been nominated for queen I mean she's the most popular girl at this school, but that doesn't mean I'm any less proud of her. It's even better this way because it means that we can run together and I don't have to watch her dance with another guy at prom.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as one of the nominees kitty approaches me.

"Hey Finn" she says whilst batting her eyelids seductively and I feel very uncomfortable.

"I just came to talk to you about something, I mean you're hot I'm hot and we'd make one hell of a prom king and queen together. So what do you say, will you run with me?" She asks and I'm trying to think of the best way to get out of this situation when my amazing girlfriend turns up to save.

She clears her throat and throws kitty a fake smile. "Actually, MY boyfriend and I will be running together" she says sweetly and kitty rolls her eyes before walking away.

I put my arm around her shoulder and we leave class together.

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