21. Danger

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A maid runs inside the room, hot on her heels comes a royal guard and a young looking suited man that carries a big leather bag.

The maid starts picking up the pieces of the glass that I accidently bumped with my hip, while I was trying to get closer to father. The royal guard in his prestine looking white uniform comes for me and forcefully removes me from my father's side. I watch with my whole body trembling how the young man starts checking the king's vital and my chest hurts.

I did this, I shatered a glass, I got myself under royals guard custody and I almost killed a king of anguish. My magic only brings chaos to my life... But it has always been tranquil and now it makes havoc, I'm not sure what is making her come foward anymore.

"What did you do?" The guard shakes me and I gasp.

"What? Nothing!" He shooks me so hard that my teeth rattle.

"You can not be here, Prince! Please stay back" The guard moves, almost taking me to the floor and I whimper. His hands are rough and calloused, almost like he truly is a lumberjack and not a security guard in the winter palace. If we gotta be honest by the way that he's treating me, I might be a wood truck being thrown away. Chill, man, you are bruising my arms.

"Ms. Mannor" Dawn's voice rings firm and clear through the havoc and I step back involuntarily, missing my footing. The lumberjack loses his hold on one of my arms and I fall, hard, a sickening pop follows. Pain is all I can feel, hot, white, all consuming pain and then nothing...

I wake up with a scream stuck in my throat and an ache all over my body, my left side is stiff and sore from my collarbone to my hip and when I try to move my arm it hurts like a b*tch. I don't want to open my eyes, because I know what I will see.

When I was younger, mother thought it was a good idea to go camping, to connect with nature and feel the beauty of freedom in the forest.
The thing is, that mother, can not be trusted, because her being Malefic and all, did not see the danger on going 'camping ' in an enchanted forest. The before mentioned forest was infected with lying little witches that leed me to fall down a tree and dislocate my right shoulder.

So, yes. I did it again, I f*cking popped one of my shoulders again. Oh well, that's what I can suppose while I keep my eyes close as hard as I can.

"You have awaken" there's a pause, then a gentle hand removes my hair off my face and I slowly open my eyes "I'm going to call for a nurse, she needs to sit you up".

"Will... What's going on? What happened? My arm, my father? OH MY GOD! FATHER!" The machines surrounding me are beeping loudly now and I can feel myself pushing into a panic attack.

RESPIRA. In and then out... My lungs 'scream' from the sudden rush of air and I whimper.

Feyre always speaks to me in his very bad Spanish when I start to go off the rails, it's so bad that I end up laughing my ass off. A pretty good technique to control an anxiety filled little sister if you ask me.

The beeping machines calm down as I laugh softly to the memory of my brothers broken Spanish and Will stars getting in focus again.

He looks sort of like sh*t, I gotta be honest, he has dark violet circles under his eyes and the tan he had back home is long go...

"Your father is okay, sweetheart" He moves slowly almost as if he's scared of scaring me. Sure, he just saw me get into full panic attack mode...

"The doctors are not telling me much, I tried with Dawn and he as silent as a Buddha's silent. He takes noble silence to another level" The eye roll robs me a chuckle and he smiles. "There, there! That smile of yours has the power to transform an atheist into a believer, darling".

"I'm afraid to disappoint you, but I am no good, there is not a single part of me worth of believing in" Such a melodramatic phrase that one there, isn't? "If you call up a nurse I might be able to convince her to give us both some well deserved answers"

I call for the mischief inside of me, the tingling sensation comes foward, the lazy little silky threads creep through my body, forming tight webs in my blood, bone, and flesh. It builds up almost like testing the boundaries of themselves and suddenly they snap violently like a knife caved through me.
Havoc erupts on my sistem viciously, a web cloth like barrier dampens down the magic webs dissolving them as fast as they form. This is one of the first times that I actively want the magic to do its job, maybe the first time that I call it up, and even with that on mind I know that something is wrong with my magic.

Before when I called for it, the magic whispered 'sweet nothings' into my body and calmed my down, didn't liked to be told what to do or when to do it. But this, that wet cloth fighting off my magic is not mine.

"They did something to my magic, Will" I can hear the fear in the trembling of my voice, but I don't care. They have no right to tamper with my magic, my body, my mind... "I am not able to call it foward, I'm pretty shitty with magic I know, but this is different... Something else, some else perhaps, cooled it down".

Will face ashes even more (if possible) and by the flicker of emotions that went through his eyes I know that he knows. He looks uncomfortable, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish. That insecure act frightens me even more, am I in danger?

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