11. Sussy Cottage

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I'm tipsy, my whole body is numb and my face is probably three shades pinkier than normal. 'Pinkier' is even a word? I don't think so, but you get it, my face is freaking red for no reason. I take my sweater off and bury myself further into the cabin sofa, I have a cabin for myself. Yeah, I'm that lame, but whatever, I'm probably getting way too wasted tonight to even care. I sway to the rhythm of the loud music, the vibrations of the drum pulses through my veins and I smile absently.

It is the first time that I go out to a pub, bar, club, or anything related to the nightlife you can think of. The closest to a nightlife that I used to have was the occasional movie night that I permitted myself when I wasn't too afraid of getting caught. I'm the saddest person ever, like I feel pity for myself, a 20 years old woman that hasn't ever go out in her life because she's scared of the exposure, but happily walked in a full coffee shop during day light for almost everyday of the last year. Simply ridiculous. Yeah... This peachy drink it's the delicious, I feel lest heavy and stressed by the third one, so my none so sober mind decides that I can actually venture off to the bar and retrieve it myself, like the poor waitress looks quite distressed running around with a tray full of glasses.

The bar is the most crowed part of Sussy's cottage and it feels hot and suffocating in a good way, my small frames gets squeezed between two bulky men that are definitely more than friends and they smile down to me. My Gifts have given me the ability to sense auras and intentions and these two are good people, not perfect and bright, but real and warmth.

The more happy looking one moves to stay behind me and block the group of drunk girls that are trying too desperately to get the barman's attention. One of his strong arms rest on the polished black wood of the bar and the other none rest on the hips of his partner, the darker blond of the two, that looks not as happy.

"How is it going, little fairy?" For a moment I froze. He knows about me? How? Why? When? Apparently he noticed my confusion because wrinkles his nose in a funny way and says "You're quite tiny and cute looking, I'm not trying to offend you by calling you names or something like that".

"Oh" I breath "Everything its just as peachy as my drink".

The darker one chuckles and I look up at him, there's a little white scar in his left cheek and his eyes are a musty green "You got Sussy's special potion, didn't you?"

"YES!" I scream my answer over the now louder music and his full lips perk up a little.

"Do you want another one? We invite" light blond screams too. I nod absently, fascinated by the wall behind the bar, it is covered from the celling to the floor in the bottles of alcohol. My drink number... Uh, six? It's placed in front of me after a while and we have a light conversation about the ambient of the club until they get theirs, we move to my cabin and I yawn.

"You are a light weight, aren't you?" Light blond, who's name is William pushes my glass out of my reach and shakes his head.

"Well, for a person in her first night out, I think that I'm doing fine with six drinks and no dancing" my cheeks are on fire and I feel suddenly shy.

"Wait, what?"
"Girl, that's your fourth drink"

They speak at the same time and I feel like a deer caught in the lights. They're genuine and in a blink I found myself spilling my over dramatic life story and everything I can think off. By the end of the story my throat feels rough and the effects of the alcohol are as gone as the rest of the people in the bar. Dark blond - who's name is Charles- gently elbows William and they have a silent conversation. I look down to my hands after a few moments, feeling like an intruder, they have such a connection that it feels like an intrusion to even look at them when they're in their bubble. When the waitress starts to make her way towards us again, I smile.

"I'm sorry, guys, but this is the last call, we're closing in ten" her voice it's like silk and smoke, as different as her dark hair that in this light looks blue.

"I'll take care of it" Charles has his debit card out in a flash and I gape like a fish out of the water.

"You don't have to pay for me, you know. I have my own money". Charles just gives me a bored look before following after the waitress. Immediately I frown.

William sights "Don't even try to discuss with him, we're gentlemen and we're paying for you. He's not going to say it, but he likes you and he understands you".

"How so?" I'm ashamed now, because I have been talking non stop about my life and problems and never stopped to ask anything about them.

The small smile that William gives me looks almost shy, but that's not possible in him.

"Honey, we are not commoners"

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