24. 9 to 5

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William says that he has never worked a day in his life, but this court life is way more hard and exhausting than the commoner life that I used to lead back in the city. It takes more energy to stand between Dawn and my highself than doing the Griffins account. Oh, the Griffins... Are they doing okay? Who's doing their account now? I shall call my brother to check on that, poor things... I hope they didn't get Alice she's just not good.

"That is none of your concern" there's an edge in his voice and it brings a smile to my face, getting Dawn riled up is quite pleasing. I'm putting a 📌  on the Griffins for the moment.

William moves between us, reminding me of why my mind wandered off. Dawn's a tool, I'm a mess. We are in a compromised place. And he's trying to smooth things out, following the queue, I make myself as small as possible in the corner of the sofa, so he can't see me. And this is going to sound stupid, but maybe if I don't move he will forget that I'm here and he'll go away with Will.

"It might not be her concern, but it is mine, Dawn" I can only see Will's perfect buttcheeks from my position and it is kinda distracting "Don't you think that we are not taking the right approach here? We are not back home where your word is final...

It must be hard to get your glutes that round looking, he must hit the gym at least four times a week, jeez.

Dawn's annoyed huff brings me back to the conversation, and I should know better than to intervene, but obviously I don't. "I might by as high as a freaking unicorn, but I know where my place is here. Or maybe what it is not, you should too, being the one used to court life and so".

Will tenses at the sound of my voice and Dawn moves forward with silent violence radiating from him, back home he never got this rattled.

The veins in his neck showing, a muscle in his strong jaw jumping, his hands opening and closing in a wild rhythm, his breathing labored like he cant control it, himself, his temper. And for a second all my body feels hot, attracted to the chaos inside of him, my heart beat rises, my blood runs hotter than ever, my hands squeeze my thighs of their own accord, probably trying to reduce my desire or... boosting it.

I lick my dry af lips, righting myself in the sofa, getting ready for something, anything, whatever he wants and then William speaks and it's like he threw ice water on my face.

I forgot that Will was here with Dawn and me.

It's the pain pills, isn't it? Yup, it must be it, temporary insanity inflicted by heavy drugs. I don't feel attracted to Dawn, for God's sake I don't even like his presence, nor his sexy jaw and intense blue eyes, not the perfect nose and the freckles on it... Jesus, this pill is the sh*t. I'm hallucinating aren't it? Dawn's an as$hole and that trumps the good genes.

"...Please " My little crisis about finding Dawn hot made me miss something important in the conversation, whatever Will said made the little prince calm down.

There is no more pent-up anger crawling on the surface, in fact his entire existence seems empty, like the anger opened a well inside him, which swallowed up all other emotion when he was finally able to handle it.

His posture is tall and cold, his eyes dull, his jaw relaxed, his mouth in a thin smile. The only thing that gives away his previous state is the small tremor in his hands, but you have to look closely to realize it and be looking for it.

There is more to this man than he likes to admit, than he is trained to show, and my wild side is drawn to it, even in the intense lethargy that pain pills generate in me. But that does not mean that I agree with it, my wild side you see, that side so similar to my mother is my worst side and the uncertainty that it generates in me, the disaster that has generated these last few days in my life, is the reason why I never pay attention to it.

So I shut out any thoughts about how attractive Dawn might be or how much depth he might have and nod to whatever Will is saying. Because this day has just begun and it already feels longer than my 9 to 5 in the city.

The halls of this castle are so full of life that it is almost impossible to get lost, at first when I thought I could be alone and admire the iron and glass flowers of the walls in silence, a housekeeper stopped to ask me if I was okay, if I need...

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The halls of this castle are so full of life that it is almost impossible to get lost, at first when I thought I could be alone and admire the iron and glass flowers of the walls in silence, a housekeeper stopped to ask me if I was okay, if I needed anything, if I was lost and in need of guidance.

I mean, yes I am lost and looking for advice, but not in the way that the sweet girl could help me. Unless she knew how to handle the reunion with a father who was never present, the abrupt introduction to Corten life and an enormous but uncontrollable power, she was of no help and I needed to be alone.

When I finally convinced the maid to leave me alone, Father's obnoxious assistant appeared at the end of the hallway. Yanine started harassing me with the schedule, the activities, the rules, and everything under the sun, while somehow giving me an unofficial guided tour through the winter castle.

In some pathetic way indulging my need to admire beauty, but ignoring my need to be alone.

We passed men and women working, happily going about their day, always stopping to greet us, some being able to hide their displeasure with my presence, others not so much.

When we turned into corridor number two of guest rooms, I realized that I was placed in the wing of the castle that was furthest from the important things, such as the offices of the king and queen, the main library and the official gallery. My room was located in the area strictly for visitors, full of huge and beautiful rooms, but that didn't  matter, as tea rooms, card rooms, music rooms and so on.

"Could you please stop for a second?" I ask Yanine, trying my best not to sound like a whiny bitch, but probably failing miserably. She abruptly stops and looks over her shoulder in my direction, something human flickers for a moment in her face and then she sneers at me.

"No, we're behind in the schedule".

I snap, mostly because I feel like a  very hurt and antsy caged animal.

"Look Yanine you might be a freaking slave to calendars, schedule and organization, but I'm not. You guys like it or no. I'm a person, I'm in pain and I dont give a flying unicornion about court life". 

Yanine back tenses and she finally fully faces me, ready to retort with something nasty I can asume for the way that her brows come together in an evil frown. But Dawn appears out of the fucking shadows and beats her to it.

"Welcome to our 9 to 5, Ms. Manor. I am possitive that you are not going to like it" Then he cleans a nonexistent lint on his jacket and smiles. He opens the door he was leaning against while lurking in the shadows like a creep and gestures us girls to go first.

Such a gentleman...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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