7. Heat wave

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I can feel her before I see her, my mother just got here. The room temperature drops when she steps in and everybody in the room gets tense, she has that effect in every royal, I guess that it's hard to get rip of your prejudices when they are so deeply rooted.

We moved from the King office to a huge conference room, the place is bright, clean and cold, with big black leather chairs and a large crystal table to sit sixteen people. It's not very welcoming and I dare to say it was the point, they don't really like mother in a good day, but today we're discussing my existence without their knowledge, something they don't fancy, for them the situation is called betrayal.

I don't know how to feel anymore. I'm on my mother side, always, but her decision is what put us in this disaster in the first place. She could've manage it differently, I mean, there's not even a plausible reason why she didn't wanted to present me into the royal blood line. Yeah, if I was presented at birth I would've to wear the burden of her name on me, the pressure and the responsibilities, but I still did.

I lived most of my life lying low, hiding in the shadows, terrified of being caught and so alone... Don't get my wrong, my family isn't little, but I yearned for someone out of their tight group, a person that I could call mine. A pet, a friend or a lover, anything would've been great.

"Your Highness" my mother's voice always have sound like a wind chime being played softly by the wind, but there's a edge to it that talks about something deadly.

"Ms. Mannor" the King is tense and his expression is a blank mask, I can't read his emotions, but I'm certain of his displeasure of the situation " I don't want to make a small talk, I think that the impending matter is something that needs to be solve quickly".

"I don't like being pushed to things, King Adam, and you know that" mother sits downs on the offered chair and elegantly crosses her legs at the ankles "Leaving that aside, I agree, we've to discuss a way to fix this situation".

I want to give my mom a round of applauses, she didn't admitted her 'betrayal'. Knowing her she's going to twist it up and get her way in this. She's a lawyer at heart and since she became a business woman all of her shark like instincts got sharper.

"All the paperwork has to be done immediately, there's going to be a press conference, and a punishment will be placed" the king looks right at my mother's eyes and his expression admitted not discussion. Oh my lordy...

"Punishment? I don't see the use of it. The rest of the royals had done things worse than forgetting a very abstract rule and they got away with it. May I read it the rule?" She then moves around and searches in her bag, she pulls out a black folder and places it delicately in the table "It says: 'the royal bloodlines must be open and exposed to the public, any royal children born during the legitimacy of this treaty has to be registered properly'".

The silence in the room raises up and the tension in the air is hotter than the freaking sun during a heat wave, suddenly I feel suffocated. The King Adam does a gesture towards the royal procurator and he nods in accord with my mother's words.

"As you might see King Adam, the treaty doesn't forces me to register any of my children under the official bloodline book, it says that I have to register her properly, she's my daughter in the paper. Her last name is Mannor after all and her birth certificate says she's mine. It is a public record, exposed to anyone that wants to see, there's not breaking of the rule" mother raises her shoulder in an unapologetic manner. Gosh, she's good.

"I see" King Adam jaw is so tense that I fear for it, it could break from the pressure. Dawn is fuming by his side and the sight of it makes a wave of heat go through me in satisfaction. You got what you asked for, Prince...

"There would be a Congress reunion to discuss deeply over that certain rule, but you can continue with your regular life Ms. Mannor" King Adam moves his hand and his secretary comes closer "Maleficent" he nods to mother and she responds with one of herself "Everybody is dismissed".

I better get moving before he changes of idea, I have to go back to my work and check if I still have one, but surely Mrs. Lewis won't be please with my absence and let's not talk about the Prince intruding in her business.

Suddenly the heat wave and the royal treaty aren't my biggest problems.

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