Chapter 14

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Rebecca’s eyelids flickered. They desperately wanted to resist opening. Pain jolted through her side. At least she was warm, wherever she was.

Tortuously, she opened her eyes. Thank the Gods the room was dim.

She was in a small cabin, lying on soft furs that covered a narrow pallet bed. A fire crackled in the small grating and in front of it, sitting tensely in a chair, was her rescuer.

Loki stared into the flames, lips tight against the hand that he rested his chin upon. The glow from the hearth lit the angles of his face. Rebecca couldn't help thinking how astonishing he looked. He had shed his armour and was dressed as she remembered him from their captivity. She decided she liked him better this way. He was somehow softer, less intimidating.

Thirst hit her, she swallowed dryly, her throat arid and her lips dusty. Slowly, she tried to rise, but pain coursed through her and she automatically cried out, short and sharp.

He was by her side instantly.

“Try not to move,” he said, softly, “The wound is deep, I am healing you, but it will take time.”

For the first time, she glanced down.

The gash under her ribs was covered in a clean, dark cloth. She recalled the initial shock as the Alfheim's dagger slashed at her. She hadn't been ready, she had been angry, inattentive to her surroundings. The elf had attacked from the side. It had taken all her strength to turn his weapon against him and defend herself against the melee that followed. So stupid, she was so stupid.

“Do not trouble yourself over such things. You are safe now, I will attend to you until you are well.”

She hadn't realised she had been speaking aloud. Rebecca studied Loki's face. His brow was furrowed in concentration as he looked over her bandage.

“I'm sorry Loki, I shouldn't have said the things I did.” Her voice cracked with dehydration.

“I understand.”

“No, please. Accept my apology. This was all my fault.”

Tears pooled at the corners of Rebecca's eyes. She blinked through them and turned her face away.

Loki sighed. He was tired, she could tell.

“You have no need to apologise to me. It was my own foolishness that caused this. I should have behaved in a more gentleman-like manner.”

His thumb brushed the tear-drops from her cheek.

“Rest, I will bring nourishment.”

He watched her eyes close and finished adjusting the gauze on her side. He couldn't help noticing the gentle curve of her waist under his hand. The softness of the pale skin that would now be marked forever. Resisting the urge to trail his fingers down her body, he rose and crossed the room, hands rubbing the lethargy from his face.

Exhaustion was upon him, he had spent hours casting concealment spells over the disused shack he had found for them, healing the girl to the best extent of his powers and then stealthily returning to their former camp to retrieve the ship and provisions.

He had nothing left. But looking at her lying there, bathed in the dusky light of the fire, the familiar swelling inside him grew. He filled a bowl with the broth that bubbled quietly in the embers and made his way back to her side.

He needed her strong.

More than that, he admitted to himself, pushing his pride away.

He needed her.

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