Chapter 4

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“Having a nice day?” Loki sneered

Silently, she rose, refusing to let him see her any weaker than she was.

She met his gaze and spat at him, the saliva sizzling against the magical boundary.

“Now, now. You already know what kind of treatment naughty girls get. How about telling me your name?”

Loki was met with further silence.

Sighing he tried again.

“You know, since it seems we will both be here a very long time, it might not hurt to become acquainted. It isn't like we have anything else to do. And you never know how you might benefit...”

He knew she was hungry. She hadn't eaten all day and the guards would now withhold her food until morning as continued punishment.

It didn't take much, after all his practice, to make the apple appear in her hand.

“You're welcome.” he said, conceitedly, as she jumped, looking down at the fruit in awe.

The girl brought the shiny orb to her mouth, inhaling it's sweet scent deeply. She hadn't tasted fruit in so very long. As she opened her mouth instinctively to bite down, Loki laughed cruelly. A tiger so easily tamed! He was somewhat disappointed!

Her eyes snapped open and she became startlingly aware of what she was doing. She let the apple fall to the floor, crushing it under her foot. The laughter stopped.

“Well, really... there's gratitude for you... Now tell me your name, girl.”

The self-important smile still lingered on his face as he watched her drag her chair to the centre of her cell, eyes locked on his. Leaning down, she drew a small, battered book from under her mattress and settled in the chair, her red-raw back facing Loki.


She sat for hours, ignoring the servants coming and going to the other inmates with food and clean clothes for the morning. He watched her every moment, while pretending to read himself. Watched her flinch against the fresh wounds at her back, saw her lift the old book to her face and inhale it's scent, saw her finish the volume in her hands, turn it back to the front page and begin again.

“Lights out in 20 minutes!”

Was it so late? And yet still, the girl didn't move, though he and the others made to ready themselves for bed. So enraptured with the text was she. And then a spark of inspiration.

Mustering all his power, Loki concentrated on her cell. Apples yes, but could he do this?

Looking up he saw the pile of books appear at her feet, transported from his table to her.

She shifted slightly and turned to look at him over her shoulder, confusion written on her pretty face.

He bowed to her, arms outstretched, like a stage conjurer revelling in his “Ta daa!” moment.

The lights powered down and he moved to his bed, shedding his shirt. He would try again tomorrow. He would know her story. As he settled under the covers, he heard her movement across the way and then quietly, so quietly he might have missed it...

“Rebecca. My name is Rebecca.”

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