Chapter 12

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Loki awoke first. It was still early, just dawn and the world glowed pale yellow, it's rays seeping down through the treetops above them.

He looked down at the girl alongside him. She had been drawn unconsciously to the heat of his body during the chill of the night and she was now so close he could see the dew that still clung to her hair.

She was a pretty thing, he didn't regret bringing her along, if only for the view.

And what a view.

He allowed himself to take her in with his eyes. Her hair fell about her face, livid red against her cream skin. This close he could see the light spattering of freckles across her nose, constellations on the perfect white sky of her face. The V-shape of the tendons in her neck pointing over her throat to the curve of her breasts under her rough, prison shirt. And further down her body, where her shirt had ridden up to her naval, her hips, curving downwards, tantalising him with the promise of what lay beyond.

He drank her in, feeling himself grow harder as he fought the urge to pin her to the deck of the small ship and force himself into her, relishing in her whimpers for him to stop.

Letting out a sharp breath as his stomach ached with lust, he rose quickly to walk off his arousal and collect fresh water from the small, clear river nearby.

When he returned, Rebecca had awoken and was rubbing the last remnants of sleep from her eyes, unused to the daylight.

“Good Morning.” he said, curtly, almost blaming her internally for inciting his lust.

She looked drowsily to him and repeated his words in answer. He ignored her, setting the water down and arranging a light breakfast between them. Joining him, she asked;

“Where are we?”

“The forests of Alfheim.”

She noticed that he would not meet her eyes as he answered her, the tension in his jaw and shoulders as he began to eat. She retained the silence between them and looked around her, stomach flipping with joy at her freedom. She longed to explore.

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