Chapter 2

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She strode calmly about her sparsely furnished cell, dressed in only her navy, prison-issue leggings, boots and a well worn cream corset, cropped under her ribs and laced tightly up her chest.

She was oblivious, it seemed, to him watching her, languidly pulling on a cream overshirt, several sizes too big, and pulling her long, auburn curls from beneath it's collar. She was lithe, strong and yet, undeniably soft; curved in that effortlessly seductive way that Loki was fond of.

He watched her delicate hands wrap a belt about her waist and smooth back the strands of hair that clung to her face. He took in her creamy, pale skin and the roses that bloomed over her high cheekbones and in her lips.

This confinement may be more fun than he anticipated.

As he watched her move resignedly about her room, he thought of all the ways he could torture her.

Her; strapped to his bed, begging him to release her.

Her; screaming for him to stop as he pinned her against the wall.

Her tears, as he conjured images in her head of everything she loved dying while he forced himself into her.

Oh yes, he would enjoy breaking this one, if only from afar.

He was confident he could do so.

She was already sad and therefore vulnerable, he could see, from her time being imprisoned. But what for, he wondered? Why incarcerate such a delicate bloom in a dungeon of thorns?

His reverie was broken, suddenly and swiftly, as she stiffened, sensing that she was being watched. Blue eyes flashed upwards to meet his green.

But it was not the intensity of that blue that shocked him into standing upright and stepping backwards.

It wasn't the flecks of silver that lay in them or the sweetness of the pink lips that flew open in a gasp as she met his gaze.

It was the hate. The sheer abhorrence of him that radiated from under her furrowed brow. And the growl that came from her as she threw her fist up to the magical barrier, sending sparks across the screen and burning her hand badly.

Loki cocked an amused eyebrow at her as the guards chained her and led her out to be healed, those blue eyes glaring darkly at him as she was dragged away.

Not a rose then... but a tiger.

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