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~Third Person P.ov~

Taehyung began to regain consciousness and he opened his eyes slightly. A small smile made it's way to his lips when he saw that Bogum and his bestfriend Jimin were right by his side. He felt happy to know that there were a few people who actually gave a shit about him. He sat up on the bench and hugged both of his friends. He then broke down into tears. Thankfully no one else was there. He didn't want anyone else to see him like this. He couldn't let them know that deep down inside he was actually broken and he was giving up slowly. The strong guy act was just a façade. There was only so much he could take and today's incident was his breaking point.
"Tae what's going on? Please don't cry. Jungkook is an asshole okay. He shouldn't have made a huge scene today. I swear if i get a hold of him today, I'll ruin hi-"

"Bogum stop. Violence...violence does not solve anything. Just promise me that you'll stay away from him. I don't want you or Jiminie to get hurt because of me. I need to go find Jungkook. I want to put this to an end."
Taehyung said then stood up bravely. He was going to cofnront Jungkook and explain some things to him.

"Tae no! Don't go what if he harms you? What if he asks his stupid friends to do something to you i can't let you go alone. At least let me or Bogum go with you. It's not safe Taehyung. P-please..."
Jimin pleaded as he looked at Taehyung with teary eyes.

"Jiminie i promise I'll be okay. I'm going to find him. I'll see you guys in class okay? I love you."
Taehyung said as he hugged Jimin then waved at Bogum before walking away in search of the raven haired boy.

Taehyung remembered glimpsing Jungkook running off to the back of the school so he thought of looking there first. He gulped and bit his lips nervously as he made his way near the back of the school. He tried his best to be strong but his hands were shaking. He remembered the night when Jungkook fucked him and honestly it was embarrassing. Jungkook was drunk and nothing made sense. He couldn't believe that he would stoop so low and enjoy it only to be left there like a toy when the other was done playing with him. He wanted to forget that it ever happened. He was a fool to think that his father's boss's son would ever have feelings for him. Jungkook hated him since they were kids and Taehyung was sure that things would never change. In fact, as time passes by, things only got worse.
He didn't realise that he was walking towards the river that was located at the back of the school. It was the same river where Jungkook dumped Taehyung's bike once.
Taehyung was too lost in his dark thoughts and he wasn't looking where he was going. He was too busy thinking that he was nothing but a pathetic piece of shit who was just occupying space in this world.

Suddenly he felt someone pulling him back and shouting "Stop!"
Taehyung's eyes widened and he realised that he was about to fall into the river. He sighed in relief and turned to thank the kind person that helped him but his eyes widened in shock when he saw Jungkook.
"I-i uh."
Taehyung fumbled for words as his eyes met the other's strong gaze.
He was about to pull his hand away from the other but Jungkook held his other hand and pulled him closer.

Taehyung was confused by the other's actions and he was about to speak but before he could do or say anything. He felt another pair of lips against his.
As much as he wanted this, he couldn't fall for the other's tricks again so he pushed Jungkook away and wiped his lips.
"W-why did you do that?! Please just stop! I'm not some toy. Yeah i get it. I work in the club as a s-stripper."
Taehyung's voice became softer as he said the last word. He was ashamed. He looked down and sighed before speaking again but Jungkook interrupted him.
"T-Taehyung i need you to listen to me. P-please h-hear me out."

"No! What are you gonna say huh? You're call me a slut again and talk trash about my dad? Huh? I know you too well and honestly I've had enough of your fucking bullshit Jeon Jungkook! W-when we were kids i used to always admire you. You were a funny kid back then and you were cool. In kindergarten, i used to sit alone in a corner of the classroom and listen to you while you told your friends jokes. I always wished that i could be your friend but obviously that didn't work out because i wasn't rich enough, i wasn't cool enough and i was nothing but a loser. Let me rephrase that. You made me believe that i was a loser. All my life! I believed that i was worthless. I thought that i was a burden to my father. He works so hard in your father's company. There are some nights where he comes home and sleeps on the couch because he is too tired to even walk up the stairs to go to his room. There are s-some days when he didn't eat because there wasn't enough food for both of us. He let me have it b-but i couldn't just sit there and watch my father starve. That's why i got the job. I had no other choice. I tried getting jobs in cafes and restuarants but they scorned me because my clothes were not the best and well like you said once, my perfume was cheap."

"Tae i"

"No! please let me finish. I just want you to know that I'm done. Please leave me alone. I'm sorry if I've ever done something to hurt you. Whatever i did back then I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a loser I'm sorry for fucking existing!"
Taehyung said the last part and a painful sob left his lips. He wiped his tears and looked at Jungkook with a broken smile.
"I hope you're happy. You finally got what you wanted. I'm just a mess."
He said and was about to leave but Jungkook pulled him back into a hug and began to cry as he placed his head on the other's shoulder.
"P-please i-i'm not happy. I'm a fucked up person and i know it Tae. B-but please don't call yourself a fool. I deserve that title after everything I've done. I hurt not only you b-but your father. Tae I'm sorry. Hit me, slap me, kick me, push me into the river. I j-just want you to know that I'm really sorry. Ple-please Tae. Make fun of me. I deserve it."

Taehyung just stood there still like a statue and his throat went dry as he listened to the other's cries.
"I won't Jeon Jungkook because I'm not like you."
He said in a broken voice but his face showed no emotion.

Heyyyy guys! I'm back! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
I love you so much!💜
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