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Jimin: TAE you there?

Tae: Fuck!fuck!fuck!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimin: what the fuck?!

Tae: Jimin he just walked through the door!

Jimin: who???!!!!


Taehyung's pov💫

       While texting jimin i heard someone roughly opened the door. Obviously it was the new student. When i looked upp i was in shock. Out of all the damn classes he had to come here. Like hereeee ughhhhhhhhhh.

      I immediately looked down because he hadn't noticed me yet. I then heard the teacher saying in a firm voice,"Oh how nice of you to show up late on the first day of classes"he said sarcastically.

"Pffttt look i don't have time for bullshit ok. Im just here to take a photography class so quit acting like a bitch ."

My eyes widened. Whoo the fuckk talks to a teacher like that what the hell. I was scared as fuck.

"Ummm...excuse me?"


"Who do you think you're talking to ?"

"Who do youu think you're talking to?huhhh i am Jeon Jungkook. Get that in your head."

"Okay whatever sit down "

       Mr. Namjoon was really upset. I could see it on his face. Jungkook is such a jerkkk its unbelieveable.

"Uhmmm there are no seats"

"There is a seat next to that guy so what do you mean?"

      Ughhhhhhh omg omg Mr.namjoon was pointing at me. I continued looking down. I know jungkook saw me and acted as if there weren't any seats remaining. I didn't really care because i didn't want him to sit next to me anyways.

"I'm not sitting next to that dirty rat!"

      His words hurt me so much tears started falling from my eyes.

"Im so done .APOLOGISE!",namjoon said

"HAHAHA never make me apologize and boom fired" jungkook winked at me.

             I stood up and shouted,"whyy are you like this? Why do u pick on me? Whyy me?"

"Heyy sit down I'll handle this"

Jungkook walked in front namjoon

"No stop I'll answer him"
"You wanna know why?"
"Because you're worthless and stupid and you're a peasant!"


    I slappedd himm .
Mr.namjoon was shocked. He immediately separated us. Jungkook was fuming.

"Bitch did you just slap me?!"

"YOU and you Detention and after class!"

         Waw. The first day of photography class and this happens. Now i get detention. Life is fucking unfair. But i cant beleive i slapped him. Im kind of proud but im also scared. What if he gets dad fired. So many things were going through my mind. I went back to my seat.

      Jungkook hesitantly took a seat next to me looking the other way and was breathing heavily out of anger.

Neither of us made eye contact during the rest of the class and everyone looked at me and laughed. I hate my life so much. I wish i could just die.
I just needed jimin right now.



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