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Third person pov

Taehyung looked at him with a shocked expression when he said "No!"

   Jungkook looked at him with a serious glare and held his hand.
"You're coming with me taehyung lets get you home."

Taehyung pulled away from his grip.
"No! I'm not going anywhere with you! I can't make myself look weak ok i can do this on my own, i don't need your fucking help."
Taehyung said and turned to walk away.

  Jungkook then pinned him against the wall angrily while panting since he was exhausted from the intense fight that took place minutes ago.
"I said you're coming with me! What do you not understand about that?huh?"

Taehyung was afraid when jungkook raised his voice on him.
"L-let go of me!"

"Taehyung i said you're coming with me!"
He shouted angrily at taehyung.
Taehyung declined his offer once more and turned his face away.
"Just go! I don't need you!"

Jungkook's blood was boiling as Taehyung continued to say no.
He went closer and closer to Taehyung and kissed him roughly as he held on to Taehyung's wrist tightly.
This caused  Taehyung's back to hit the wall and Taehyung groaned a little while kissing him.
Jungkook deepened the kiss but Taehyung then pushed him away and gasped for air.
"What the fuck?"

Jungkook panted heavily and looked Taehyung in his eyes.
"I- i"
Taehyung then began to walk away and he threw jungkook's expensive jacket on the ground.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung walking away then he  looked at his jacket on the floor and groaned.
He really didn't know why he kissed Taehyung but he wanted to continue.
Maybe it was the alcohol he thought. He would never like such a disgusting peasant.

He ran behind Taehyung and shouted to stop.
"Stop!Look bitch! Whatever just happened. I didn't fucking mean it. I just wanted you to stay quiet since you're so damn annoying."

Taehyung pretended like he didn't hear Jungkook and continued walking.

Jungkook was completely pissed now.
He picked up taehyung bridal style then put him on one of his shoulder and held on to him tightly.
"That's what you get for not fucking listening to me bitch."

Taehyung screamed for help but of course no one besides Jungkook was there.

He tried his best to escape from jungkook's grip but it went in vain since Jungkook was too strong.
"Fuck you jeon jungkook!"
Taehyung said as he gave up.

Jungkook smirked and carried Taehyung to his car and threw him in the backseat causing both of them to fall.
Jungkook fell on top Taehyung and he stared into Taehyung's eyes
"Hmm i don't fuck peasants."

This hurt Taehyung deeply.

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