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~Third Person Pov~

                         [  TIME SKIP ]

5 Years Later

"Mr.Kim your new clothing line has been a success. Everything is sold out and there are still tons of new orders. This has brought huge profitability to your company."
The manager said to the boss.

"Mr.Choi you don't know how much I've wanted this. For years I can finally say that I'm proud of myself. I can finally say that all my hard work paid off and I could provide my father with a proper home with everything that he needs. It's been a dream of mine for so long. Thank you. Thank you Mr.Choi for the good news. You're the best manager ever."
The boss said then smiled at his manager.

"You don't need to thank me Mr. Kim. You deserve your success Mr.Kim. I'll leave now. Enjoy your night."
Mr.Choi said then left.

Taehyung smiled to himself and played with his fingers as he thought about how much his life has changed. It was a few days before Christmas so he wanted to go back to Seoul to visit his father. He hasn't been to Seoul in 5 years. After the unfortunate incident happened, he couldn't see that place anymore. It only reminded him of his terrible past and the person who caused him pain. He was currently living in London, England and he was a successful business owner there. He wantd to see his father and Jimin so they were the only reason why he wanted to visit Seoul. He learned to erase Jungkook from his memory. Whatever happened there was now long gone and he didnt want to think of it ever again. He is a different person now and he won't ever let such a thing happen to him again.

The cold winter breeze of Seoul hit his face and he inhaled deeply. He couldn't believe that he was actually standing in Seoul again. It's been years but it still feels the same. He looked around and admired how the beautiful the city looked. The trees were adorned with the white snow and the moon glistened in the sky. He arrived there late so it was now night time. He hired a car to get him so that he could go to his father's new house. A lot has changed for the Kims since Taehyung started his clothing business "Chanel."

"Son? Son!" Mr.Kim said as he ran towards the door. He was expecting Taehyung. He didn't see his son in 5 years so he was very emotional.

Taehyung hugged his father tightly and began to cry when he felt the warm comforting embrace of his father. He felt as if he wasn't alone anymore. His father was the only reason he didn't give up. He wanted to repay his father for all the good things he had done for him and he was successful in doing so.

"Son you look even more handsome now. Look at you. You've changed so much in these 5 years. You've grown to become a great young man. Oh I'm proud of you Taehyung."
His father said and lead him to the dinner table. Mr. Kim didn't want to bring up anything about the past because he knew that Taehyung had moved on from that phase in his life now and he didn't want to ruin his son's happiness.

"Your bestfriend Jiminie will be here shortly."
Mr.Kim said and smiled at his son. They continued to talk while waiting for Jimin to arrive. Unfortunately Bogum couldn't make it because he had some work to do.

Jimim arrived shortly and they ate together with smiles on their faces. It was the happiest Taehyung had been in a long time.


"Father I'm busy right now. I'm sorry I can't talk."

"Jungkook please hear me out. You're always so busy with work. Please go easy on yourself. The company is doing fine. You need to t-"

"Father please just leave me alone. I've told you so many times. I- I can't move on. You know how much I've tried. I'm not going to go out with some girl please understand. Y-you know that i-i only love- father i don't i- don't want to talk about this right now."
Jungkook said then paused since he felt his heart hurting because of the memories. He could never forget about the horrible thing that he had done and he could never forget the face of the person he loved the most. He couldn't ever forgive himself for what he had done to his love.

"Jungkook she is a nice girl. I'm sure you will like her. Please just give it a try. Do it for me. You need to forget about him. Jungkook you need to accept the truth. Taehyung will never accept you because of what you've done. You hurt him in the worst way possible. Jungkook he has probably found someone else-"

"Stop! Please father don't say that. I know- i know that the pain I've felt for these past five years is nothing compared to what he felt but it hurts father. It hurts so much. Seeing him with someone else would only cause me more pain but i- I deserve it after everything I've done. I deserve everything that is happening to me. Everytime I think about him i can feel a tear in my heart."

"Son i know. I know you went to get help for your issues and I know you're a changed man now. I'm glad you changed but I don't think it can change what you did to him. It's time that you forget about him. You need to Jungkook. I'm trying to help you by setting you up with someone. Give it a try."
Mr.Jeon said then he smiled a little at his son. He hated seeing Jungkook like this but he knew his son was wrong and he knew that Jungkook deserved the hurt that he was feeling.

"Im not willing to give anyone else a chance. I never got a chance to treat him right and I won't treat anyone else right. I only want him father. I just want to see him again. I want him to hurt me just as much as I hurt him. I cant bear this guilt anymore. I love him so much."

"Jungkook please calm down. He doesn't want you oh for God's sake! You will go on that date. You're the owner of my company now. You need to get married soon and have kids. You can't keep crying about the past. I'm sure Taehyung already moved on. You will go to the restaurant tomorrow. Goodbye Jungkook enjoy your night."
Mr. Jeon said then left Jungkook's office.

Jungkook didn't say a word to his father. He just sat there lost in his own world. A world where everything could be better. A world where he could be happy with Taehyung.He pictured Taehyung's beautiful face in his mind and he broke down into tears. He felt as if someone was repeatedly stabbing his heart. He hid his face in his hands and sobbed.
"T-Tae please. Please give me a chance."



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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