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it's 2 in the morning when Jeonghan arrives home, just to see Chan sleeping on the couch with his books sprawled all over everything.
" he waited again " Jeonghan whispered lightly.
as Jeonghan's foot steps on a crumbled piece of paper the sound jolts Chan awake and Chan sits up.

" Why do you keep waiting for me? I come back home late every night. You'llget back aches from that couch " Jeonghan scolded
" No, its d-different today. I cooked you a meal before you rang. " Chan sleepily replied
On the table there were 3 plates covered, a chicken stew, some vegetables and some tofu soup.
" Chan-ah, you're such a nice brother. " Jeonghan praised, touched by his little brother. Tonight can never get better for Jeonghan, until,
" Hyung can you help me with something, it really hurts " Chan said out of the blue.
" What? Do you meed to go to the hospital? Let me see? Oh no Chan, why do you do this to yourself.? " Jeonghan sadly whined
The back of Chan's hand was blistered from a burn while he was cooking the meal.
" We're going to the hospital. " Jeonghan sternly insisted.
" But- i can ice it. I can- " Chan stuttered
" No we're going. We're going now, go get a hat or something " Jeonghan snapped


Coming home from the hospital it was a whole lecture from Jeonghan, although he was only 5 years older he was like a dad to Chan after their family died.
" I'm so sorry Chan, I should've came home early to cook for you instead of the other way around. You know how i feel when you hurt yourself " Jeonghan ended his lecture.
" I wanted to do something nice for you, you always come home tired and hungry anyways. " Chan sulked
" You know i can't stay mad when you pull that card. Cheater Chan back at it again. " Jeonghan teased
But Chan didn't reply, he fell asleep staring out of the window.
" shit i forgot its 4 in the morning " Jeonghan cussed to himself in his mind.

short lil chapter to show Chan and Jeonghan's chemistry if they were brothers. Will update very soon!

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