best boy headcanon

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I'm not one to pick favourites.

But aoyama is my favourite character in this whole series(which is weird because my faves usually tend to be the rich ass wholes so I would think monomania but no aoyama is best boy)

But if I had to take section here would be my list

Student: aoyama

Hero: mount lady


Villian: probs dabi.

But that's off topic.

Let's make some headcannons for my best boy here.(I'm finnaly watching game plays off sally face after 3 years of being on chapter 2. So I'm just writing this whilst watching)

○ ok but this is canon but sparkles/glitter every where

○ Relationship advice expert.

○French god.

○on the topic of relationships he has the hugest crush on a student in his class but will never act apon it saying  "haveing a crush is better than a broken heart"

○ Even though he loves talking about himself(who wouldnt he is amazing)
He is the best listener when you have problems and gives best hugs

○if you ask him to help with makeup expect alot of glitter

○babe has crippling self doubts and feels like he isnt worth it, that he could never be a great hero.

○ kins lance from voltron.

○probs ua traitor

Oh my CROCSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang