23. Two hearts

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2 weeks later, January 12th. 

Bang bang bang! Ding dong! 

Zayn stirred in his sleep, trying to ignore the noise that he heard faintly in the background of a wonderful dream as he laid beside Harry in bed, too warm to get up, too cozy to let go of how tightly he was holding onto Harry, but the banging on his front door didn't let up and he heard his phone ringing then after, forcing his eyes to open and look over at it, laying on his night stand. Mom? He lifted his arm from around Harry's torso and turned over, grabbing his phone and answering the call, lifting it to his ear and spoke in a gruff, morning voice.


"Wake up sonshine and come open the front door," she said. 

"What? You're here?" 

"We've come to surprise you for your birthday."

"Let us in Z!" he heard Doniya shouting in the background. 

He glanced over at Harry, who was still fast asleep, and quickly sprang out of bed, having had no clue that his family made any sort of plans to come to New York for his birthday. He wasn't expecting them and felt nervous all of a sudden, slipping on a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt and slippers as he made his way out of his bedroom and down the hall, approaching the front door anxiously. He opened it slowly and saw his mom, Doniya and Waliyha standing there with half a dozen yellow balloons and gift bags, a large box of what he assumed was a cake, his three favorite women with smiles plastered on their faces and he froze, just speechless by their sudden, unannounced appearance because now they were going to meet Harry and he hadn't been ready for it just yet.

"Happy birthday baby bro," Doniya said as they walked in, hugging him tight.

Wali and his mother followed suit, hugging him as well and placing their things down on the coffee table and breakfast bar in his kitchen. 

"Thanks sis, I'm...uh, sorry I wasn't expecting you guys so the place is a mess and shit," he spoke, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't worry about it sweetie," his mom said, smiling. "We just wanted to see you, to see where you live and what your life's like. We thought it would be more fun if we just popped in. I hope that's alright. What are you up to today?"

"I don't know I just sort of woke up," he responded as he heard the door to his bedroom open and close.

Zayn swallowed hard nervously, glancing over in the hall to see Harry walking out tiredly wearing Zayn's Scooby Doo pajama bottoms, shirtless, his curly hair a mess as he rubbed his eyes.

Then Harry looked up and noticed Zayn, his sisters and mom were all sitting around the living room and he looked like he had just seen a ghost. 

"Um, good morning," he said groggily, looking at Zayn who's eyes were wide.

"So...you must be Harry," said Doniya cheerfully.

"That would be me."

"Harry these are my sisters, Doniya and Waliyha, and my mom," Zayn interjected, introducing Harry to them because at that point he really had no choice, but he noticed that his mom looked taken aback and now Zayn felt like he wanted to crawl into a hole.

"Please excuse me for being half naked I had no idea there would be company," said Harry, looking mortified. "It's so nice to meet you all. I've heard only great things...and I like your make-up, by the way," he said to Doniya.

"The shimmery stuff, what's that called, highlighter, right?" 

Zayn watched as Harry did that thing that he did and he started to feel himself relax a little because it was just like Harry to fix an awkward moment with his natural charm and suddenly he realized that it was one of the many reasons why he loved Harry in the first place. 

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