19. Magical

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Zayn couldn't stop thinking about this some girl that Harry was with the previous night and he kept wondering who it was, what her place in his life was, or if he was overthinking it entirely. There was still so much about Harry that Zayn didn't know and it started making him nervous thinking that he was building it all up to be this grand, romantic thing but maybe it was all in his head, he thought. Zayn continued to feel like Harry was playing some type of game with him and it plagued his mind all night while he slept as he tossed and turned with this heavy fog of anxiety clouding him. All these continuous 'what ifs' were shredding his thought process, distorting it, making him second guess Harry and what it was that he actually wanted from Zayn.

What if he changed his mind? What if he decided he still likes women more? What if I'm not enough?

But he had to cease these rapid fire questions and instead commit to finishing up his final English paper, so he tried to sweep the intrusive words from his mind as he just so happened to be typing away in the back of Daisies that afternoon. He sipped casually on his cappuccino in a black sweater and grey corduroy pants, rubbing his cold, ringed hands together as he watched Harry walk in for his shift wearing this bright, cheerful looking red and green striped sweater and a light up Christmas bulb necklace like the whimsical child at heart that he often was, these stars in his eyes as he danced in to Wonderful Christmas Time by Paul McCartney and Zayn tried to hide his smile behind his laptop at the sight. Well, Harry did seem like he was in a jolly mood didn't he? And it made Zayn begin to feel unsettled because it went right to him questioning why and who was the source of it.

Zayn was pretty sure his anxiety was going to ruin everything if he let it and he mentally scolded himself as Harry looked over and smiled warmly at him, making his insides melt. He then nodded and Harry slunk behind the counter smoothly, already starting to work on a coffee order for the next customer in line, a Mom with three whiny kids on a sugar high, but he continued to look up as he made the iced latte with skim milk, sneaking glances at Zayn every 10 seconds and Zayn pretended not to notice him, his eyes glued to his computer screen, but he definitely saw him. As the song changed from Paul McCartney and went right to the one song that everyone knows, the one that he heard day in, day out; All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey, and Zayn rolled his eyes when the xylophone note began.

Oh God, not this song. If I have to hear it one more fucking time.

Just then Harry turned around swiftly toward the back counter and pressed the skip button on his phone. Zayn snorted under his breath as he saw it because once again, he and Harry were on the same wavelength. Instead, Harry put on I'd Like You for Christmas by Julie London and he started singing it out loud once the the first verse began in this dramatic, almost mid Atlantic accent and Zayn felt like he was trapped in some old romance film from the fifties but he wasn't complaining.

"I'd like you for Christmas. Please make my wish come true. Cause I'd trim trees and deck the hallways if I know you'd be mine for always. I won't be blue on Christmas if old Saint Nick comes through and he remembers that I'd like you for Christmas, New Years, Easter too."

Harry looked over his shoulder and glanced at Zayn for a long second as he sang the lines, but this time Zayn lifted the gaze from his brown eyes to meet Harry's, feeling entranced, like he was being put under some magical spell with his voice, his eyes and it happened every single time. Only Harry had this impeccable capability of making Zayn feel things that he couldn't explain, like he was being sucked into a vortex of desire, longing, attachment. It ached just as much as it soothed him and if Harry kept looking at him like that for one more second, Zayn was sure that he was going to lose all ability to function.

He knows what he's doing.

Zayn forced himself to look away and concentrate on the assignment at hand, which was due in just a few hours, seeing as how he had procrastinated for so long and he just had to get through it, but it was not going to happen so long as Harry was around. Maybe being at Daisies was the wrong move because Harry was too much of a distraction, even when he didn't do anything but stand there, Zayn knew better. He took a deep breath and released the air from his lungs, biting on the inside of his lip as his hands hovered over the keyboard. He could feel his heart racing, glancing over at Harry's backside when he bent over to pick something up off the floor and realized he really needed to leave because he could already feel his cock twitching in his pants.

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