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I woke up the next morning to Elizabeth shaking me violently. I tried opening my eyes but the bright sunlight and the mascara from crying heavily burned in my eyes.

"You can stop now" i said as i pulled the covers above my head only to have them yanked off me. I groaned.

"No can do. You need to get ready for class- DID YOU NOT EVEN CHANGE OUT OF YOUR DRESS!?! WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?" she yelled.

"maybe don't yell" i said rudely.

"Ok so you're grumpy clearly it wasn't a good night, tell me what happened." she sat next to me. I sat up and looked at her and began telling her everything. Her eyes widened as i went on.

"Tom Riddle kissed you? Am i hearing this right? That guy wouldn't even talk to anyone if his life depended on it" she laughed. "But did you kiss him back?" she said in a joking tone. I slowly nodded and saw her face drop.

"Oh uhm well get ready for class." she walked out. I slowly made my way to the dining hall where i saw Duncan. He looked tired as if he hadn't slept. I went up to him and tapped his shoulder, the entire Gryffindor table was looking at me oddly. He nodded and walked out with me. We walked out past Tom and i thought there wouldn't be any drama until Duncan stepped in front of Tom. Duncan pulled me closer by my waist and kissed me . My eyes widened in surprise and i could see Tom looking not disgusted, but conflicted. I think i'm loosing my mind, there is no way Tom showed a glimmer of emotion. Eventually i pulled away and Tom pushed past us. Just two days ago i was certain i liked Duncan but now i wasn't so sure. I glanced over at the Slytherin table where Tom sat down. I felt bad. Duncan pulled me away and out of the hallway.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry that was too sudden" he said.

"No it's ok i just uh thought you were mad at me." i said trying not to look him in his eyes. He was leaning in for another kiss but i backed away. "I have to get to class i'll see you later!" i walked away quickly.

"Oh ok then.." he said. To my luck as i turned the corner i ran into Tom. His hands grasped my arms tightly.

"Who do you-" he looked and saw it was me and let go of me.

"Can you please move your foot? It's next to my book." i said. I tried to remain calm but i could feel my heart racing. I knew i was in deep trouble i can't possibly fancy Tom it just wouldn't work.

"Of course." he picked up and book and handed it to me. As i was grabbing it my hands brushed past his and i felt a weird shock. I quickly looked up and him and so did he, which i assumed meant he felt it too. I quickly grabbed my book and walked away. I could feel his eyes watching me as i walked away. I felt sick the rest of the day and skipped my last class because it got so bad. I had just walked in the common room when i saw Tom sitting on the couch with Nagini by his side. I was planning on walking past him but i wanted to know if he felt it.

"Hey Tom did you uh feel that shock too?" i asked nervously.

"Maybe." he said without glancing at me.

"Do you know why it happened?" i was also debating on asking him about the kiss.

"No, but once i find out then i will inform you." he got up and went to his dorm. I went back to my dorm and slept the rest of the day in hopes i'd get answers tomorrow, and if Tom wouldn't find answers then i'll ask my dad.

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