Slug Club

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  Did he just threaten me? And he's supposed to be a prefect. If only i had proof that he wasn't as perfect as he displayed he was. I ignored him and decided to find a snake to test how good my parseltongue was. I soon found one in the common room which wasn't odd considering it was the Slytherin common room. It laid huddled in a corner. I walked up to it and began speaking parseltongue. To my surprise it began speaking to me and 𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 at me. I started to laugh and she told me her name was Nagini.

   Suddenly a hand pulled me by my shoulder causing me to fall backwards. I rubbed my head and was absolutely furious. I saw Tom standing over me.

  "Either i'm going to crazy or you just spoke parseltongue to 𝑚𝑦 snake." he said in a scowl. I remained on the floor in embarrassment, i didn't realize she was his or i wouldn't have gone near her.

  "I didn't know i'm sorry-" Nagini came next to me and remained there. Tom looked like he was going to kill someone. He began speaking to Nagini telling her to get away from me but she insisted on staying next to me. He eventually gave up and walked away in a huff. I sat up and petted Nagini and told her thank you. The next morning in potions Tom kept shooting me dirty looks.

  "What is your problem?" i said as i placed the solution on the table.

  "My problem is that-" he lowered his voice, "-you spoke parseltongue to my snake! Is that what you needed those books for?" he said in a hiss. My eyes widened in shock that he knew about the books.

"You know for being a prefect you act awfully rude to me, i could tell headmaster and he'd remove your badge." i said it as a slight threat and he knew that.

  "And i could inform him you've been learning parseltongue. We know all wizards who go bad know it." he said as he continued pouring his mixture into the flask. He was right, even if i hated to admit it. I was attempting to learn the language which made me more suspicious than Tom who was rumored to already know how to speak it. No one crossed him, especially not other Slytherins. We remained in silence the rest of the class. I was walking out of class when i was pulled by my arm into a classroom.

  "WHAT IS-" he put his hand over my mouth.

"Are you going to explain what on earth you're learning parseltongue for?" said Tom. I mumbled trying to talk and he rolled his eyes and moved his hand.

  "Thank you. And why do you want to know? Scared of a little competition from a girl Tom?" i said with a grin.

  "Don't flatter yourself. i'm better than you in every way." he scoffed.

  "The only difference is that you're a male who speaks parseltongue, otherwise there's no difference i'm your equal or as i like to think better." he inched closer to me and whispered.

  "Never and i mean ever think you're better than me." he said in a cold voice. I felt fear rushing in but i wouldn't let him see it, i wouldn't give him that satisfaction. I slowly pushed him away and once he realized how close he was he backed up.

  He was walking out when i blurted out, "You're not the only one who wants to be at the top Tom..i want the power and respect it brings too." he stopped for a brief moment but then walked out.

  "Mention this to anyone and you'll regret even being born." he said. Tom was a model student around teachers but away when away from them he was a different person. This person who just spoke to me would do anything to gain power, even if it means scaring his peers. But i would do anything to get to the top as well.

  The next morning i got called to Professor Slughorn's class early, as i walked in i saw a few other students there including Tom. He saw me walk in and gave me a nasty look. Turns out we were invited to a club that professor has with the elite students. I glanced at Tom and gave him a smile which made him mad. I knew he wasn't exactly ecstatic i was apart of this club. After this little meeting we all headed to the common room.

  As i was walking out of my dorm i heard a light hiss and decided to peak into the room that the noise was coming from. I see Tom speaking to Nagini, he was talking about how he despised "mudbloods" and how he wants to have more power than anyones ever thought of, he also told her to stay away from me. She hissed back at him saying that she likes me and there's something different about me, she also mentioned that i would "understand" him and his desires but he said that wasn't true. I personally felt pleased she was sticking up for me in my absence, but i was so caught up in my own thoughts i didn't realize the talking had stopped until the door swung open and i fell face forth. I quickly scrambled up onto my feet and was backed into the wall. Tom walked up to me with a stern look on his face.

  "Spying on me?" he wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed me harder against the wall. "How much did you hear?" he scowled at me.

  "I heard enough- to know that you want infinite amount- of power but- you're not the only one- who wants it." he was slowly cutting off my air, he realized and loosened his grip a little.

"Don't tell me 𝑦𝑜𝑢 want power." he laughed. I maintained eye contact with him to let him know i meant it, he immediately stopped laughing and just looked back at me. "A girl could never handle that sort of power, and you don't strike me as the type to be able to do powerful magic like i can." he said as he removed his hand. My temper was rising. I looked over at the book on his bed lit it on fire and immediately put it out. I looked back at him and smiled.

  "See you at the party Tom!" i said as i walked out. I could feel his eyes on me as i left the room. I considered myself an outstanding witch, i spent most my time mastering spells above my years while everyone else went to Hogsmeade. My father raised me by himself and we didn't have money just laying around, it cost him a lot to be able to send me to Hogwarts. Thus i spent my time studying so i could make him proud. I got ready for the party and slipped on a fitted black dress and walked over to the party.

   I walked in and everyone dropped their conversations and looked at me. I almost forgot how to walk but i slowly made it to my seat and just wanted to disappear.

   "You just had to sit next to me didn't you." whispered Tom. I didn't even realize i sat next to him until now. I rolled my eyes and went through the whole party with him blabbing on and having chats with the professor. I knew he was trying to butter up the professor but i let him have his moment.

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